Project Build
Jeka features high-level and low-level classes to deal with Java builds and JVM concepts.
Base classes are used as a foundation for implementing Jeka high-level build API but they can be used directly in a low level build description.
These classes belong to
wrap ajava.lang.ClassLoader
adding convenient methods and classpath scanning capability.JkJarPacker
A simple utility to create a Jar or fat Jar file from compiled classes.JkJavaCompiler
Wraps either a Java Compiler tool, or a javac process.JkJavadocProcessor
A Java source processor producing standard JavadocJkJavaProcess
A utility to launch Java process (from class dirs or jars)JkManifest
Stands for the manifest file to be included in jar files.
Package dev.jeka.core.api.j2e
: Provides methods to generate war files, including dependency jars.JkJ2eWarProjectAdapter
: Helps to adapt an existingJkProject
to make it generate war artefacts_.
Package dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin
: Provides a means to get a suitable compiler according a given Kotlin version. This class also provides methods to compile Kotlin sources in a fluent way. -
: Holds the constants for common Kotlin library coordinates.
Package dev.jeka.core.api.testing
Jeka features a simple yet powerful API to launch tests. It relies entirely on JUnit5. This means that any test framework is supported by Junit5 platform.
Jeka testing API mostly hides Junit Platform. For most of the cases, you won't need to code against Junit-Platform API to launch tests with Jeka. Nevertheless, Jeka allows users to code against Junit-Platform for fine-tuning.
The API classes all belong to dev.jeka.core.api.testing
This is the entry point to launch tests. Tests are executed using the current classloader classpath
+ extra class path mentioned in #launch
method arguments.
We can access JkEngineBehavior
by JkTestProcessor#getEngineBehavior()
. From there we can
- Select the output dir of the test report
- Change how the test progress is displayed
- Modify how JUnitPlatform will behave by directly accessing the JunitPlatform API
This is the object passed as an argument of JkTestProcessor#launch
to determine which test to launch.
It can be set using file or tag filters. It is also possible to code against JunitPlatform API (example here).
The result of a test launch. It provides count for tests found, failure, skip, success ...
Package dev.jeka.core.api.project
This is the Jeka high-level API to build Java/JVM projects. API classes belong to dev.jeka.core.api.project
It introduces the concept of JkProject
from where it performs compilation, testing, resources processing, packaging, publication, and more.
is the root of a deep structure embracing the parent-chaining pattern for readability.
The API contains a lot of extension points to add specific behaviors.
Project Structure¶
+- baseDir
+- outputDir
+- artifactLocator (define where artifact files are supposed to be created)
+- duplicateDependencyConflictStrategy
+- jvmTargetVersion
+- sourceEncoding
+- javaCompileToolChain
+- dependencyResolver
+- compilation (produce individual binary files from production sources. This includes resource processing, code generation, processing on .class files, ...)
| +- layout (where are located source and resource files)
| +- source generators (plugin mechanism for generating source files)
| +- dependencies (stands for compile dependencies)
| +- preCompileActions (including resources processing)
| +- compileActions (including java sources compilation. Compilation for other languages can be added here)
| +- postCompileActions
| +- methods : resolveDependencies(), run()
+- testing
| +- testCompilation (same as above 'prodcCompilation' but for test sources)
| | +- layout
| | +- dependencies (stands for test dependencies)
| | + ...
| +- breakOnFailure (true/false)
| +- skipped (true/false)
| +- testProcessor
| | +- forkedProcess (configured the forked process who will run tests)
| | +- preActions
| | +- postActions
| | +- engineBehavior
| | | +- testReportDir
| | | +- progressDisplayer
| | | +- launcherConfiguration (based on junit5 platform API)
| | +- testSelection
| | | +- includePatterns
| | | +- includeTags
| +- method : run()
+- packaging (produces javadoc and source jar and bin jars)
| +- javadocConfiguration
| +- runtimeDependencies
| +- manifest
| +- fatJar (customize produced fat/uber jar if any)
| +- methods : createJavadocJar(), createSourceJar(), createBinJar(), createFatJar(), resolveRuntimeDependencies()
+- mavenPublication (define what to be published on Maven repositoty)
| +- moduleId (group:name)
| +- version
| +- artifacts ( which artifact to publish)
| +- dependencyCustomizer (customize the transitive dependencies to be published)
| +- mavenSpecificInfo
| +- methods : publish(), getVersion(), getModuleId()
+ methods : toDependency(transitivity), getIdeSupport(), pack(), getDependenciesAsXml(), includeLocalAndTextDependencies()
For convenience, JkProject
provides a facade in order to make common settings friendly,
without navigating deep into the structure. From facade, you can
setup dependencies, java version, project layout, test behavior, test selection and publication.
.configureCompileDependencies(deps -> deps
.configureRuntimeDependencies(deps -> deps
.configureTestDependencies(deps -> deps
.addTestExcludeFilterSuffixedBy("IT", false)
If the façade is not sufficient to set up the project build, you can use the main API.
instances are highly configurable.
Here is a pretty complete example inspired from the Jeka Build Class .
Project dependencies are managed differently than in Maven/Gradle. Instead of defining a single collection of dependencies, each bounded for a specific scope/configuration, Jeka projects define 3 distinct classpaths : compile, runtime and test.
Each classpath defines its own set of dependencies independently, though they are defined relatively to each other.
Compile classpath : is defined using project.getCompilation().configureDependencies()
Runtime classpath : is defined from Compile Classpath. This base can be modified using project.packaging.configureDependencies()
Test classpath : is defined from a merge of Compile Classpath and Runtime Classpath. This base can be modified
using project.getTesing().getCompilation().configureDependencies()
Full Text Description¶
An entire project dependency set can be declared with full text description.
By default, if a file named project-dependencies.txt
is present in [PROJECT_DIR]/jeka, this content is taken
in account to specify project dependencies.
Dependencies have to be declared with the format group:module:[classifier]:[type]:[version]
where classifier, type and version' are optional.
See `JkCoordinate.of(String description) for details.
To import bill-of-materials (aka BOM) just declare a dependency as 'group:module::pom:version'
Symbols @
and @@
can be used to mention dependency exclusions.
org.lwjgl:lwjgl-bom::pom:3.3.1 # Use lwjgl BOM so we don't need to specify lwjgl versions afterward
org.lwjgl:lwjgl:natives-linux:: # specify the 'natives-linux' classifier for lwjgl
- org.projectlombok:lombok # remove lombok from runtime dependencies
== TEST ==
@ org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient # exclude http-client from fluentlenium-junit transitive dependencies
@@ net.sourceforge.htmlunit:htmlunit # exclude htmlunit from all transitive dependencies
Defines dependencies that will constitute the compile classpath.
Defines dependencies that will constitute the runtime classpath.
The dependencies will be the ones declared in the == COMPILE == section plus the ones declared in the == RUNTIME == section.
If dependencies declared in the == compile == section should not be included for the runtime classpath, they should
be explicitly removed using the '-' symbol.
== TEST ==
Defines dependencies that will constitute the test classpath.
The dependencies will be the ones declared in the == COMPILE == or == RUNTIME == sections (merge) plus the ones declared in the == TEST == section.
If you are using Jeka plugin for Intellij, hit ctrl+<space>
for displaying suggestions.
Projects can be published on binary repositories (as Maven or Ivy) using project.getPubliication().publish()
When this method is invoked, all artifacts defined in the projects are published.
Artifacts can be binary, sources, javadoc, or any kind of file.
When published on a repository, a metadata file is generated mentioning moduleId, version and transitive dependencies.
Transitive dependencies are inferred from compile and runtime dependencies declared for the project, though they
can be modified programmatically using project.getPublication().getMaven().configureDependencies()
and project.getPublication().getIvy().configureDependencies()