Setup KBean¶
Provides convenient methods to perform global configuration tasks as editing file or updating embedded jeka boot scripts.
Field | Description | Type |
content | Argument for 'addGlobalProp' and 'installApp' methods. | String |
name | Argument for the 'removeApp' method. | String |
Method | Description |
addShorthand | Adds a shorthand to the global properties file. Provide it as 'content=[shorthand-name]=[shorthand content] E.g. 'jeka operations: addShorthand content=build=project: pack sonarqube: run'. |
editGlobalProps | Edits the file. |
openHomeDir | Opens a file explorer window in the JeKA user home directory. |
updateLocalScripts | Creates or updates jeka.ps1 and jeka bash scripts in the current directory. Uses the running JeKa version to set the script version. |
Provides convenient methods to perform global configuration tasks as editing file or updating embedded jeka boot scripts.