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a(String) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi
a(JkAnsi.Attribute) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi
accept(T) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkConsumers
accept(T) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsThrowable.ThrowingConsumer
ACCEPT_ALL - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathMatcher
activateOnJkLog() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkMemoryBufferLogDecorator
adaptTo(JkBuildable) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild
Adapts this JkDockerBuild instance to build the specified JkProject.
add(String, Object...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetModifier
Adds a dependency to the JkDependencySetModifier.
add(JkCoordinate) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetModifier
Adds a JkCoordinate to the JkDependencySetModifier.
add(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetModifier
Adds a file-based dependency to the JkDependencySetModifier.
add(JkDependency) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetModifier
Adds a dependency to the JkDependencySetModifier.
add(String, JkTransitivity, Object...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetModifier
Adds a dependency to the JkDependencySetModifier.
add(JkDependencySet.Hint, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetModifier
Adds a dependency to the JkDependencySetModifier.
add(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Adds a child element of the specified name on the underlying element.
add(String, Runnable) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject.JkRunnableContainer
add(String, Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.Jk2ColumnsText
Adds a new row with the given left and right values.
add(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.Jk3ColumnsText
Adds a new row with the given left and right values.
add(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.JkColumnText
Adds a row by providing text for each column.
add(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild.DockerfileTemplate
Appends the specified step at the end of step container.
addAccessRule(JkDependency, String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse.JkEclipseClasspathGenerator
For the specified dependency, specify a child accessrule tag to add to the mapping classpathentry tag.
addAccessRule(JkDependency, String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.EclipseKBean
For the specified dependency, specify a child accessrule tag to add to the mapping classpathentry tag.
addAccessRules(JkDependency, Properties) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse.JkEclipseClasspathGenerator
addAgent(Path, String) - Method in class
Adds the specified agent to the command line.
addAgent(Path, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild
Adds the specified agent to the running JVM
addAgent(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild
Adds the specified agent to the running JVM
addAgent(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild
Adds the specified agent to the running JVM, without passing any option.
addAllWithoutDuplicate(Collection<T>, Iterable<? extends T>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
Adds items to the specified recipient list.
addApache2License() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
R@see #addLicense(JkLicenseInfo)
addArtifactPatterns(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkRepoIvyConfig
addAttribute(JkDependency, String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse.JkEclipseClasspathGenerator
For the specified dependency, specify a child attribute tag to add to the mapping classpathentry tag.
addAttribute(JkDependency, String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.EclipseKBean
For the specified dependency, specify a child attribute tag to add to the mapping classpathentry tag.
addAttributes(JkDependency, Properties) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse.JkEclipseClasspathGenerator
addBuildInfo() - Method in class
Fills this manifest with contextual infoString : JkManifest.CREATED_BY, JkManifest.BUILT_BY and JkManifest.BUILD_JDK
addColumn(int, int) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.JkColumnText
Adds a column to this object with the specified minimum and maximum sizes.
addColumn(int) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.JkColumnText
Adds a column to this object with the specified size.
addCompileOnlyDeps(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Adds compile-only dependencies to the project.
addCopy(Path, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild.DockerfileTemplate
A convenient method to add a COPY step for a file or directory located outside the Docker build context.
addCopy(Path, String, boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild.DockerfileTemplate
addCopy(Path, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild.DockerfileTemplate
addCustomizer(Consumer<JkProjectScaffold>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
Registers for customizers that will be applied at #run execution.
addCustomizer(Consumer<JkBaseScaffold>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.JkBaseScaffold
Adds a customizer to this instance, that will be executed at execution.
addDeveloper(JkPomMetadata.JkDeveloperInfo) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
Adds a developer to this publication.
addDeveloper(String, String, String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
addEntrypoint(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild.DockerfileTemplate
Adds an entrypoint build step
addExcludeFolder(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Content
addExcludePatterns(Iterable<String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
addExcludePatterns(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
Adds the specified exclude patterns to the current test selection.
addExcludePatternsIf(boolean, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
addExcludeTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
addExcludeTags(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
addExtraParams(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation
addFileEntry(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
Adds a file entry to the list of file entries in the scaffold.
addFsOperation(Consumer<Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Adds an operation to be executed immediately after the build context directory is created.
addGithubDeveloper(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
addGpl3License() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
addImplementationInfo(JkModuleId, JkVersion) - Method in class
Adds implementation-* information to the JkManifest.
addIncludeMavenPatterns() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
addIncludePatterns(Iterable<String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
addIncludePatterns(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
addIncludePatternsIf(boolean, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
addIncludeTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
addIncludeTags(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
addInterpolation(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkResourceProcessor
addInterpolator(PathMatcher, Map<String, String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkResourceProcessor
addInterpolator(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkResourceProcessor
addInterpolator(Map<String, String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkResourceProcessor
addInterpolator(String, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkResourceProcessor
addInterpolators(Iterable<JkResourceProcessor.JkInterpolator>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkResourceProcessor
Adds specified interpolators to this resource processor.
addInterpolators(JkResourceProcessor.JkInterpolator...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkResourceProcessor
addIvyPatterns(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkRepoIvyConfig
addJavaCompilerOptions(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
Adds options to be passed to Java compiler
addJavaOptions(Collection<String>) - Method in class
Adds the specified java options to the command line.
addJavaOptions(String...) - Method in class
Adds the specified java options to the command line.
addJavaOptionsIf(boolean, String...) - Method in class
Adds the specified Java options to the command line if the given condition is true.
addJekaPropsContent(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
addJekaPropValue(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
Adds a property to scaffolded by specifying a string with format "".
addJekaStandards() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Content
Adds and parameters standard JeKa folders
addJvmOption(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Adds JVM options to pass to compiler program (which is a Java program).
addJvmOptions(List<String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild
Adds the specified JVM options to the Java process.
addLicense(JkPomMetadata.JkLicenseInfo) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
Adds license information about this publication
addLicense(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
addMainAttribute(Attributes.Name, String) - Method in class
Adds the specified attributes in the "main" attributes section.
addMainAttribute(String, String) - Method in class
addMainClass(String) - Method in class
Adds the 'Main-Class' attribute to this manifest.
addManagedDependenciesInPom(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Adds the specified moduleId and version in the dependencyManagement of the POM file to be published.
addMitLicense() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
addModule(String, JkIml.Scope) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.IntellijKBean
Adds a module dependency to the IntelliJ project configuration with the specified scope.
addModuleLibraryOrderEntry(Path, JkIml.Scope) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Component
addModuleOrderEntry(String, JkIml.Scope) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Component
addNonRootMkDirs(String, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild.DockerfileTemplate
Adds a Dockerfile step that creates a directory, belonging to the 'nonroot' user if such a user exists.
addOption(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Adds an option to the Kotlin compiler.
addOptions(String...) - Method in class
Adds specified options to pass to the compileRunner.
addOptions(Iterable<String>) - Method in class
addOptions(String...) - Method in class
Adds the specified parameters to Javadoc tool.
addOptions(Iterable<String>) - Method in class
addOptions(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
Adds specified options to pass to the compileRunner.
addOptions(Iterable<String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
addParams(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Adds specified parameters to the command line
addParams(Collection<String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Adds the specified parameters to the command line.
addParamsAsCmdLine(String, Object...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Adds the specified parameters as a space separated args to the command line.
addParamsAt(int, Collection<String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Adds the specified parameters to the command line at the beginning of the list.
addParamsAt(int, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Adds the specified parameters to the command line at the beginning of the list.
addParamsIf(boolean, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Adds specified parameters to the command line if the specified condition is true.
addPlugin(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Adds a plugin JAR file to the Kotlin compiler.
addPlugin(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Instructs this compiler to use the plugin identified by the specified coordinates.
addPluginOption(String, String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Adds a plugin option to the Kotlin compiler.
addProjectLibrary(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.IntellijKBean
addRepos(JkRepo...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Adds the specified repositories to the publication repositories.
addRepos(JkRepo...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Adds the specified repositories to the publication repositories.
addRepos(JkRepoSet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Adds the given repositories to the dependency resolver.
addRepos(JkRepo...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Adds the given repositories to the dependency resolver.
addResource(JkPathTree) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
addResource(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
addResource(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
addShadeJarArtifact(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
addShorthand() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.setup.SetupKBean
addSibling(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Adds a sibling element of the specified name just before this one.
addSnapshotVersion(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenMetadata
addSourceExclusionPatterns(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
addSourceFolder(String, boolean, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Content
addSourceFolder(Path, boolean, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Content
addSourceGenerator(JkProjectSourceGenerator) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
Adds a source generator responsible for generating source files to the project compilation process.
addSourceGenerator(String, BiConsumer<JkProject, Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
Adds a source generator responsible for generating source files to the project compilation process.
addSourceGenerator(String, Consumer<Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
Adds a source generator responsible for generating source files to the project compilation process.
addSourceGenerator(JkProjectSourceGenerator) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Adds a source generator to the project.
addSources(JkPathTree) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
addSources(JkPathTreeSet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
addSources(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
addSources(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
addSystemProperty(String, String) - Method in class
Adds a system property to the command line parameters.
addTestExcludeSuffixIf(boolean, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
By default, every class in test folder are run.
addTestIncludeSuffixIf(boolean, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
By default, every class in test folder are run.
addTestMavenIncludePattern(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Adds a test include filters for test classes named as ^(Test.*|.+[.$]Test.*|.*Tests?)$.
addTokenResolver(String, Supplier<Object>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Specifies how to resolve the given token.
addVersion(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenMetadata
addVersionProvider(JkVersionProvider) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetModifier
Adds a version provider to the JkDependencySetModifier.
addWithExclusions(String, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetModifier
Adds a dependency to the JkDependencySetModifier with exclusions.
all() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.EclipseKBean
allFine() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolveResult.JkErrorReport
allIml() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.IntellijKBean
allMatch(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
and(JkDependencySet.Hint, JkDependencySet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Returns a clone of this object plus the specified JkDependencys, at the specified place and condition.
and(JkDependencySet.Hint, List<? extends JkDependency>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
and(List<? extends JkDependency>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Returns a clone of this object plus the specified JkDependencys at the tail of this one.
and(JkDependencySet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
and(JkDependencySet.Hint, JkDependency...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
and(JkDependency...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
and(JkDependencySet.Hint, String, Object...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
and(JkDependencySet.Hint, JkModuleId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
and(JkDependencySet.Hint, JkCoordinate) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
and(JkCoordinate) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
and(JkModuleId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
and(String, Object...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
and(JkDependencySet.Hint, String, JkTransitivity, Object...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
and(String, JkTransitivity, Object...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
and(JkQualifiedDependency) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Adds a new qualified dependency to the existing dependencies.
and(String, JkDependency) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Adds a new qualified dependency to the existing dependencies.
and(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Adds a new qualified dependency to the existing dependencies.
and(JkRepo) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoSet
Returns a repo identical to this one but with the extra specified repository.
and(JkRepoSet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoSet
Returns a merge of this repository and the specified one.
and(JkVersionProvider) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
Returns a JkVersionProvider that is a union of this provider and the specified one.
and(JkModuleId, JkVersion) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
Returns a JkVersionProvider that is the union of this provider and the specified one.
and(JkModuleId, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
and(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
and(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
and(JkResolveResult) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolveResult
Returns a concatenation of this resolve result and the specified one.
and(PathMatcher) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathMatcher
and(boolean, FileSystem, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathMatcher
and(boolean, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathMatcher
and(Path, Path, Path...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
and(Iterable<Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
Returns a JkPathSequence made of, in the order, the entries of this one plus the specified ones.
and(JkPathTree...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Creates a JkPathTreeSet which is a concatenation of this JkPathTreeSet and the JkPathTree array passed as parameter.
and(Path...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Creates a JkPathTreeSet which is a concatenation of this JkPathTreeSet and the folder array passed as parameter.
and(JkPathTreeSet...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Creates a JkPathTreeSet which is a concatenation of this JkPathTreeSet and the JkPathTreeSet array passed as parameter.
andBom(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
andBom(JkCoordinate) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
andExclusion(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
Returns a JkModuleDependency identical to this one but adding the specified exclusion.
andExclusions(JkDependencyExclusion...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
Returns a JkModuleDependency identical to this one but adding the specified exclusion.
andExclusions(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
Returns a JkModuleDependency identical to this one but adding the specified exclusion.
andExclusions(Iterable<JkDependencyExclusion>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
Returns a JkModuleDependency identical to this one but adding the specified exclusion.
andFiles(JkDependencySet.Hint, Iterable<Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
andFiles(Iterable<Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
andFiles(JkDependencySet.Hint, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
andFiles(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
andGlobalExclusion(JkDependencyExclusion) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
andGlobalExclusion(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
andMatcher(PathMatcher) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Creates a copy of this JkAbstractPathTree augmented with the specified JkPathMatcher
andMatcher(PathMatcher) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Creates a JkPathTree which is a copy of this JkPathTree augmented with the specified JkPathMatcher
andMatching(boolean, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Creates a copy of this JkAbstractPathTree augmented with the specified pattern matcher.
andMatching(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Shorthand to andMatching(true, globPatterns...).
andMatching(boolean, Iterable<String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Creates a copy of this JkAbstractPathTree augmented with the specified pattern matcher.
andPrepend(Path, Path, Path...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
andPrepend(Iterable<Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
Returns a JkPathSequence made of the specified entries followed by the sequence entries of this object.
ANDROID_EXTENSION_RUNTIME - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
andThen(JkUnaryOperator<T>) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkUnaryOperator
andVersionProvider(JkVersionProvider) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Returns a clone of this object but using specified version provider to override versions of transitive dependencies.
ansi() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsiConsole
ansiText(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
Converts the given templated text to ANSI escape sequences.
anyMatch(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
APACHE_COMMONS_DBCP - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
APACHE_COMMONS_NET - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
APACHE_HTTP_CLIENT - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
APACHE_HTTP_CORE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
APP_CLASS_PATH - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.JkBaseScaffold
append(Consumer<T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkConsumers
Appends the specified consumer to the consumer chain.
append(String, Consumer<T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkConsumers
Appends the specified consumer, with the specified name, to the consumer chain.
append(JkConsumers) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkConsumers
Appends the specified JkConsumers instance to the current chain of consumers.
append(String, Runnable) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkRunnables
Adds the specified Runnable at the end of the execution chain.
append(Runnable...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkRunnables
Adds the specified Runnables at the end of the execution chain.
append(JkDomElement, JkIml.PathUrlResolver) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleLibraryOrderEntry
append(JkDomElement, JkIml.PathUrlResolver) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleOrderEntry
appendIf(boolean, String, Runnable) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkRunnables
Same as JkRunnables.append(String, Runnable) but effective only the specified condition
AppKBean - Class in
AppKBean() - Constructor for class
apply(Consumer<JkResourceProcessor>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkResourceProcessor
Applies the specified consumer to this object.
apply(Consumer<JkDomElement>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Runs the specified consumer with this element as argument.
apply(Consumer<JkProject>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Applies the specified configuration consumer to this project.
apply(Consumer<JkProjectCompilation>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
apply(Consumer<JkProjectTesting>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectTesting
Applies the given consumer to the current instance of JkProjectTesting.
applyIf(boolean, Consumer<JkDomElement>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Runs the specified consumer with this element as argument.
applyTo(JkScaffold) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkProjectScaffoldOptions
applyTo(JkScaffold) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.scaffold.JkScaffoldOptions
args - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.nativ.NativeKBean
argument(boolean, String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsAssert
arrayOf(Iterable<T>, Class<T>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
Creates an array of the specified class and populate it with items of the specified Iterable.
artifactLocator - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkArtifactPublisher
Artifact locator to localize artifacts
artifactLocator - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Provides conventional path where artifact files are supposed to be generated.
artifactPatterns() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkRepoIvyConfig
asBuildable() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable.Supplier
asBuildable() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
asBuildable() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
asBuildable() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
ask(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkPrompt
asserOk() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsNet.BasicHttpResponse
assertExist() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
assertNoError() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolveResult
Asserts that the resolution happened successfully.
assertNoUnspecifiedVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Throws a IllegalStateException if one of the module dependencies has an unspecified version.
assertNoUnspecifiedVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Checks if any module in the dependency set has an unspecified version.
assertPresent() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDocker
Asserts that Docker is present and responsive on the system.
assertResponseOk(HttpURLConnection, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsNet
assertSucceed() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcResult
Asserts that the process execution succeeded.
assertSuccess() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult
assertValid() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleLibraryOrderEntry
asString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkFileNodeInfo
asString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkModuleNodeInfo
asString() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkNodeInfo
asString() - Method in class
asTrimedString() - Method in class
Returns a trimmed string representation of the manifest, removing tailing empty line
attr(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Adds the specified attribute name/value on the underlying element.
attr(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Returns the value of the specified attribute on this element.
availableOptions() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
Retrieves a list of available command-line options for the annotated class.


baseDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
baseDir - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
baseDir - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkMavenProject
BaseKBean - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base
BaseKBean() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
BaseKBean.BaseScaffoldOptions - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base
baseScaffoldOption - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.JkBaseScaffold
BaseScaffoldOptions() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean.BaseScaffoldOptions
BasicHttpResponse(int, String) - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsNet.BasicHttpResponse
beanFields - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription
beanMethods - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription
before(JkDependency) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet.Hint
before(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet.Hint
Mention the a dependency shoud be inserted before the specified one.
beforeAndIf(JkDependency, boolean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet.Hint
beforeAndIf(String, boolean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet.Hint
bg() - Method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi.Color
bgBright() - Method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi.Color
blankToNull(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Converts a blank string to null.
body - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsNet.BasicHttpResponse
body - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription.MdContent
BOUNCY_CASTLE_PROVIDER - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
build() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
BUILD_CLASS_PATH - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
BUILD_CLASS_PATH - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.JkBaseScaffold
BUILD_JDK - Static variable in class
The JDK version who was running while building this manifest.
BUILD_TIME - Static variable in class
buildImage(Path, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Builds the Docker image with the specified image name.
buildImage(Path, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild
buildImageInTemp(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Similar to JkDockerBuild.buildImage(Path, String), but without requiring a context directory to be specified.
buildJar() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Builds a JAR file using the provided jarMaker
buildNative() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
buildNumber - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenMetadata.Versioning.JkSnapshot


Cache() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkInternalGpgDoer.Cache
Cache() - Constructor for class
Cache() - Constructor for class
Cache() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsiConsole.Cache
cacheFileName() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
cachePath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
capitalize(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns the specified string but upper-casing its first character.
checkDowloadOk(Path) - Static method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkInternalDependencyResolver
checkPortOpen(String, int) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsNet
Checks if a port is open on a specified host.
checkPortOpen(String, int, int) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsNet
Checks if a port is open on a specified host.
checkQuality() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
checksum(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Computes the checksum of this tree content.
checksum(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
checkUntilOk(String, int, int) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsNet
Weak implementation of heath checker, but maybe good enough for certain scenario.
child(String, Predicate<JkDomElement>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Returns the child first child of this element having the specified name and verifying the specified predicate.
child(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Returns the child first child of this element having the specified name.
children(String, Predicate<JkDomElement>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Returns an unmodifiable list of the child elements having the specified name and verifying the specified predicate.
children(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Returns an unmodifiable list of the child elements having the specified name.
childrenCount(Path, int, boolean, PathMatcher) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
Returns the file count contained in the specified directory (recursively) to concurrence to specified max count.
classloaderEntries(URLClassLoader) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem
Returns the classpath of this classloader without mentioning classpath of the parent classloaders.
classpath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
CLASSPATH_INJECT_PROP - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkConstants
CLASSPATH_PROP - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkConstants
clean() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Cleans directories where are generated files output by the project builds (jars, generated sources, classes, reports, ...)
clean() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
cleanCache() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Removes all cached results and deletes the contents of the file system cache directory, if it exists.
cleanExtraActions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Defines extra actions to execute when JkProject.clean() is invoked.
cleanInstall() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkMavenProject
Returns a new JkMvn instance to perform a clean install.
cleanOutput() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.KBean
Cleans output directory.
cleanPackage() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkMavenProject
Returns a new JkMvn instance to perform a clean package.
cloneBySerialization(Object, ClassLoader) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Serializes an object to the current classloader and deserializes it in the specified classloader.
close() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkZipTree
close() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
close() - Method in class
Close the writer.
close() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath.JkZipRoot
closeIfClosable(Object) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Closes the specified closeable object, ignoring any exceptions.
closeOrFail(Closeable...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Closes the specified closeable object, ignoring any exceptions.
closeQuietly(Closeable...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Closes the specified closeable object, ignoring any exceptions.
closeQuietly(ZipFile...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Same as ZipFile.close() but throwing only unchecked exceptions.
CMD_APPEND_SUFFIX_PROP - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
CMD_PREFIX_PROP - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
CMD_SUBSTITUTE_SYMBOL - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
code - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsNet.BasicHttpResponse
codeIndent - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean
collect(Supplier<R>, BiConsumer<R, ? super T>, BiConsumer<R, R>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
collect(Collector<? super T, A, R>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
compare(JkModuleId, JkModuleId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkModuleId
compareTo(JkVersion) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
compareTo(JkJavaVersion) - Method in class
compareTo(JkBeanDescription.BeanField) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription.BeanField
compareTo(JkBeanDescription.BeanMethod) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription.BeanMethod
compilation - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Object responsible for generating and compiling production sources.
compilation - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectTesting
compilation - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
Options for configuring compilation.
COMPILE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkTransitivity
Dependency will be fetched along transitive dependencies declared as 'compile'
compile(JkJavaVersion, JkJavaCompileSpec) - Method in class
Actually compile the source files to the output directory.
compile(JkJavaCompileSpec) - Method in class
compile(JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Compiles the source files to the output directory.
compile(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomXPath
Compiles a string to a XPathExpression.
compile(JkJavaCompileSpec) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
compile - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade.JkDependencyFacade
compile() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
compile() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.nativ.NativeKBean
COMPILE_SCOPE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
COMPILE_TARGET_CONF - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
compileDeps - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
compileIfNeeded() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
COMPILER - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
COMPILER_EMBEDDABLE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
COMPILER_PLUGIN_ALLOPEN - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
COMPILER_PLUGIN_ALLOPEN_ID - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
COMPILER_PLUGIN_KAPT - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
COMPILER_PLUGIN_KAPT_ID - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
COMPILER_PLUGIN_KOTLINX_SERIALIZATION - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
COMPILER_PLUGIN_NOARG - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
COMPILER_PLUGIN_NOARG_ID - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
COMPILER_PLUGIN_SAM_WITH_RECEIVER - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
COMPILER_PLUGIN_SAM_WITH_RECEIVER_ID - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
compilerOptions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkCompilationOptions
compilerToolChain - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Defines the tool for compiling both production and test Java sources for this project.
component - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml
Component() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Component
computationOrigin() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkFileNodeInfo
If this node comes from a computed dependency, it returns computed dependency in question.
computeIdeDependencies(JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet, JkCoordinate.ConflictStrategy) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Computes the set of IDE dependencies based on the given compile, runtime, and test dependencies.
computeIdeDependencies(JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Computes the set of IDE dependencies based on the given compile, runtime, and test dependencies.
computeImageName(JkBuildable) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
Computes the name of the Docker image based on the specified project.
computeIml() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
computeIml(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
computeImportedFileRelativePath(Path, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
computeIvyPublishDependencies(JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet, JkCoordinate.ConflictStrategy) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Computes the set of qualified dependencies for publishing using Ivy.
computeMavenPublishDependencies(JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet, JkCoordinate.ConflictStrategy) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Computes the published transitive dependencies from the specified compile and runtime dependencies of the project that we are publishing artifacts for.
concat(T[], T[]) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
Concatenates two arrays
concatLists(Iterable<? extends T>...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
Returns a list that is a concatenation of the specified lists.
configurationNames - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication.JkIvyPublishedArtifact
configure(JkProject) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.j2e.JkJ2eWarProjectAdapter
Configures the specified project to produce and publish WAR archive.
configureDependencies(UnaryOperator<JkQualifiedDependencySet>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Configure the dependencies that will be exported with the published module.
By default, JeKa computes it from the compile and runtime dependencies.
configureIml(Consumer<JkIml>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
configureIml(Consumer<JkIml>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.IntellijKBean
Configures IML file that will be generated.
CONSOLE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem
containFiles() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
containFiles() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
contains(URL) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoSet
contains(JkModuleId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
Returns true if this node or one of its descendant stand for the specified module.
contains(JkModuleId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolveResult
Shorthand for dependencyTree.contains(JkModuleId)
contains(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkRunnables
Returns true if the execution chain contains a runnable with the specified name.
containsAny(String, String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Checks if the given string contains any of the specified candidate substrings.
containsKey(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties
Checks if the given property name exists in the properties.
content - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold.JkFileEntry
Content() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Content
content - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.setup.SetupKBean
copy() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
copy() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolutionParameters
copy() - Method in class
copy() - Method in class
Creates a copy of the current JkJavaProcess instance with the same properties.
copy() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
copy() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
copy() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcess
copy() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
copy() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDocker
copy() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
copy() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkMvn
copy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Copies the content of the given input getOutputStream to a specified output getOutputStream.
copy(Path, Path, CopyOption...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
Delegates to Files.copy(Path, Path, CopyOption...) wrapping checked exception.
copyDirContent(Path, Path, PathMatcher, CopyOption...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
Copies the content of the source directory into the target directory.
copyFile(String, Path, CopyOption...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Copies a single file contained in this JkAbstractPathTree to the specified directory.
copyManifestInClassDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Copies the manifest file to the class directory.
copyNonNullPublicFieldsInto(T, T) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsObject
Copies non null public instance fields for specified overrider instance into the specified source one.
copyReplacingTokens(Path, Map<String, String>, Charset) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Creates a copy of this file replacing all occurrences of specified map keys by their matching value.
copyTo(Path, CopyOption...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Copies files contained in this JkAbstractPathTree to the specified directory.
copyTo(Path, CopyOption...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Copies the content of all trees involved in this set.
copyToDir(Path, CopyOption...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Copies this file to the specified directory.
copyUrlContentToCacheFile(URL, PrintStream, Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Copies the content of an url in a cache file.
copyUrlToFile(URL, Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Copies the content of the given url to the specified file.
copyUrlToFile(String, Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
count(int, boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Returns the file count contained in this JkAbstractPathTree to concurrence to specified max count.
count(int, boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
count() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
countOccurrence(String, char) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns occurrence count of the specified character into the specified string.
CREATE_JAR_ACTION - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Represents the identifier for an action to create a JAR file in the project lifecycle.
CREATE_JAR_ACTION - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
createBinJar(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Creates a binary jar (without dependencies) at the specified location.
createBinJar() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Creates a binary jar at conventional location.
createChecksumFiles(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Creates sibling files containing the checksum of this file.
createCrossClassloaderProxy(Class<T>, String, String, Object...) - Method in class
Creates an instance of the specified class in this classloader and callable from the current thread classloader.
CREATED_BY - Static variable in class
The software that has created this manifest.
createDefaultTestProcessor() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectTesting
Creates a default test processor for running tests.
createDirectories(Path, FileAttribute<?>...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
Delegates to Files.createDirectories(Path, FileAttribute[]) wrapping checked exception.
createDocument() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsXml
Creates an empty document.
createFatJar(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Creates a fat jar (jar containing all dependencies) at the specified location.
createFatJar() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Creates a fat jar at conventional location.
createFile(Path, FileAttribute<?>...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
Delegates to Files.createFile(Path, FileAttribute[])s
createFileSafely(Path, FileAttribute<?>...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
Delegates to Files.createFile(Path, FileAttribute[]) but checking first if the specified file does not already exist.
createIfNotExist() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Creates root directory if not exists.
createIfNotExist() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Creates a file at this location if such file does not exist yet.
createIfNotExist() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkZipTree
createJavadocJar(Path) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
createJavadocJar(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Creates a Javadoc jar at the specified location.
createJavadocJar() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Creates a Javadoc jar at conventional location.
createJavadocJar(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Creates a Javadoc Jar file at the specified target path.
createJvmAppTester(Consumer<String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
Creates a JkDockerAppTester instance configured for testing a JVM-based Docker application.
createMainJar(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Creates a main JAR file at the specified target path.
createNativeAppTester(Consumer<String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
Creates a JkDockerAppTester instance configured for testing a native Docker application.
createNativeCompilation(JkBuildable) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.nativ.NativeKBean
Creates a native compilation configuration for the specified buildable object.
createReflectionProxy(Class<T>, Object) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Create a Dynamic proxy with the specified interface, delagating call to the target object.
createShadeJar(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Same as createFatJar but relocate packages of the dependency jars in order to not collide with dependencies in classpath.
createShellScripts(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
Creates or replaces shell scripts in the specified base directory, meaning jeka.ps1 and jeka bash scripts.
createSourceJar(Path) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
createSourceJar(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Creates a source jar at specified location.
createSourceJar() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Creates a source jar at the specified location.
createSourceJar(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Creates a source JAR file at the specified target path.
createTempDirectory(String, FileAttribute...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
createTempFile(String, String, FileAttribute...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
Delegates to Files.createTempFile(String, String, FileAttribute[])
CURRENT_JAVA_DIR - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
CURRENT_JAVA_EXEC_DIR - Static variable in class
CURRENT_JAVA_HOME - Static variable in class
currentBuildNumber() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenMetadata
currentSnapshot() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenMetadata
cursorUp(int) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi
customizeCommand() - Method in class
customizeCommand() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Modifies the command and its execution parameters.
customizeDependencies(Function<JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Configure the dependencies that will be exported with the published module.
By default, JeKa computes it from the compile and runtime dependencies.
customizeFatJarContent(Function<JkPathTreeSet, JkPathTreeSet>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Allows customizing thz content of produced fat jar.
customizeJvmImage(Consumer<JkDockerJvmBuild>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
Adds a customizer function for customizing the Docker JVM image to build.
customizeNativeImage(Consumer<JkDockerNativeBuild>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
Adds a customizer function for customizing the Dockerbuild that will generate the Native image.
customizePublication(Consumer<JkMavenPublication>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean
customizePublication(String, Consumer<JkMavenPublication>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean
Customizes the Maven publication by appending a custom action to the publication customization process.
customizePublishedDeps(Function<JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean
Customizes the Maven dependencies by applying a modifier function to the dependency set.


debug(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
debug(int, String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
debugEndTask() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
debugEndTask(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
debugStartTask(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
Logs the start of the current task.
declaringMethod - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription.InitMethodInfo
DEFAULT_BASE_IMAGE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild
DEFAULT_BASE_IMAGE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerNativeBuild
DEFAULT_GRAALVM_VERSION - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation
DEFAULT_IVY_ARTIFACT_PATTERN - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkRepoIvyConfig
DEFAULT_IVY_IVY_PATTERN - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkRepoIvyConfig
DEFAULT_KBEAN_PROP - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkConstants
DEFAULT_REPO_VERSION - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation
defaultClassName - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi.InitKBeans
deleteContent() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Deletes each and every file in this tree except the root and files not matching this tree filter.
deleteFile(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
deleteIfExist() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Deletes this file if exists.
deleteIfExists(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
deleteIfExistsSafely(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
deleteOutputDirs() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
Delete all directories involved in output production (classes, test classes, test reports, generated sources/resources) but not the outputDir.
deleteQuietly(Path, boolean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
deleteRoot() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Deletes the root directory of the path tree.
deleteRootIfExist() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Deletes the root directory of the path tree.
dependencies - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
dependencies - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
DEPENDENCIES_TXT_FILE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
dependencyResolver - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Object responsible for resolving dependencies.
deps - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.JkBaseScaffold
depTree() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
depTree() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
depTreeAsXml() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
description - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription.BeanMethod
description - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription.InitMethodInfo
deserialize(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Deserializes the content of the specified file to a Java object.
deserialize(InputStream) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Deserializes the content of the specified input getOutputStream to a Java object.
deserialize(InputStream, ClassLoader) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Deserializes the content of a given input file to a Java object loaded in the specified classloader.
detectMainClass - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkPackOptions
dev.jeka.core.api.crypto - package dev.jeka.core.api.crypto
dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg - package dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg
dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.embedded.bc - package dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.embedded.bc
dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement - package dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact - package dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact
dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.embedded.ivy - package dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.embedded.ivy
dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication - package dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication
dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution - package dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution
dev.jeka.core.api.file - package dev.jeka.core.api.file
Contains classes to manipulate files in a fluent way.
dev.jeka.core.api.function - package dev.jeka.core.api.function
dev.jeka.core.api.j2e - package dev.jeka.core.api.j2e - package
Contains classes providing fluent API for dealing with java tools, classpaths and classloaders. - package - package
dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin - package dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin
dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml - package dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml
dev.jeka.core.api.project - package dev.jeka.core.api.project
dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold - package dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold
dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold - package dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold
dev.jeka.core.api.system - package dev.jeka.core.api.system
Contains classes for dealing with Jeka ofSystem.
dev.jeka.core.api.system.embedded.jansi - package dev.jeka.core.api.system.embedded.jansi
dev.jeka.core.api.testing - package dev.jeka.core.api.testing
dev.jeka.core.api.testing.embedded.junitplatform - package dev.jeka.core.api.testing.embedded.junitplatform
dev.jeka.core.api.text - package dev.jeka.core.api.text
dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker - package dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker
dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse - package dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse
dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git - package dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git
dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij - package dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij
dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven - package dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven
dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ - package dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ
dev.jeka.core.api.utils - package dev.jeka.core.api.utils
Contains Jeka utility classes (meaning classes holding only static helper methods).
dev.jeka.core.tool - package dev.jeka.core.tool - package
dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base - package dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base
dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project - package dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project
dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.scaffold - package dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.scaffold
dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.setup - package dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.setup
dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker - package dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker
dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.git - package dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.git
dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide - package dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide
dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven - package dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven
dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.nativ - package dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.nativ
devDeps - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.JkBaseScaffold
developers - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean.JkPomMetadata
diiff(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Executes a Git diff command between the specified commits and returns a list of files changed.
directChild(Node, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsXml
Returns the direct getChild node of the specified element having specified name.
directChildren(Element, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsXml
Returns specified element direct getChild node elements.
directChildText(Element, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsXml
Returns the text of the specified direct getChild of the specified element.
disableAnnotationProcessing() - Method in class
Disable annotation processing.
disableAnnotationProcessing() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
Disable annotation processing.
disableUnsafeWarning() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem
On Jdk 9+, a warning is emitted while attempting to access private fields by reflection.
disambiguate(Iterable<Path>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
As Path implements Iterable it is not obvious if an Iterable of Path was intended to be a list of Path or a single Path.
displayDependencyTree() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Displays the resolved dependency tree on the console.
distinct() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
dockerfileTemplate - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
DockerKBean - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker
DockerKBean() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
documentFrom(File) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsXml
Creates a document from the specified file.
documentFrom(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsXml
documentFrom(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsXml
Creates a document from the specified xml string.
documentFrom(Reader) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsXml
Creates a document from the specified xml string.
doFastPack() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Same as JkProjectFlatFacade.doPack() but skips the testing phase.
doPack() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Executes the packing process for this project, which includes compiling, testing, and creating JAR files.
dos2Unix(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
downloadFile(String, Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsNet
Downloads the specified url file at the specified file.
downloadIvy(Path) - Static method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkInternalDependencyResolver
durationInMillis(long) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsTime
Returns the duration in millisecond between the specified nano time and now.
durationInSeconds(long) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsTime
Returns the duration in second between the specified nano time and now.


E2E_PATTERN - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
A regular expression that matches strings beginning with "e2e.".
e2eTest() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
e2eTesting - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Object responsible for running end-to-end tests.
EclipseKBean - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide
EclipseKBean() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.EclipseKBean
editGlobalProps() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.setup.SetupKBean
EHCACHE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
EHCACHE_CORE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
ellipse(String, int) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns the specified string truncated and ending with ... if the specified string is longer than the specified max length.
EMPTY - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties
emptyArtifactPatterns() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkRepoIvyConfig
emptyIvyPatterns() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkRepoIvyConfig
emptySources() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
emptyToNull(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Converts an empty or blank string to null.
enable - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.git.JkGitVersioning
ENCODING_OPTS - Static variable in class
ENCODING_OPTS - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
endsWithAny(String, String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns true if the specified string ends with any of the candidates.
endTask(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
Logs the end of the current task with a specific message.
endTask() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
Same as JkLog.endTask(String) but using the standard message.
engineBehavior - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor
ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties
Environment variables exposed as JkProperties.
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactId
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkComputedDependency
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate.JkArtifactSpecification
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencyExclusion
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet.Hint
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkFileSystemDependency
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkLocalProjectDependency
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkModuleId
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependency
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkTransitivity
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleLibraryOrderEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleOrderEntry
equals(Object, Object) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsObject
Returns true if both object are null or the two objects are equals.
eraseLine() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi
error(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
examples() - Method in class
EXCLUDE_SIGNATURE_MATCHER - Static variable in class
Filter to exclude signature files from fat jar (aka uber jar).
excludeDirectories() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree.JkPathTreeStream
Filters to exclude directories.
ExcludeFolder(Path) - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ExcludeFolder
excludeJekaLib() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.IntellijKBean
In a multi-module project, a module that this one depends on might already include the Jeka dependency.
excludePattern - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Content
exec() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Starts this process and wait for the process has finished prior returning.
exec(Path, String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.Main
execAsync() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Executes the process asynchronously and returns a JkProcHandler object which can be used to interact with the running process.
execCmd(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Executes a command with the specified parameters and returns the current instance.
execCmdLine(String, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
execJekaInDocker(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDocker
Executes Jeka in a docker container.
executeTests() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkApplicationTester
Executes the tests for the application under test.
executeTests() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerAppTester
exist() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Returns true if the underlying element exist.
exists() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Returns true if the root directory exists.
exists() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Returns true if a file already exists at this location.
exists() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkMiscXml
Checks if the `misc.xml` file exists at the specified path.
expandTarGz(Path, Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsZip
extension - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication.JkIvyPublishedArtifact
extraArtifacts - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean.JkPublicationOptions
extractSuffixFromLastCommitMessage(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Extracts information from the last commit message title.
extractVariableToken(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Extracts variable tokens enclosed in `${}` from the provided string.


FACTORY_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkInternalPublisher
failure(List<JkModuleDepProblem>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolveResult.JkErrorReport
fetchContentFrom(URL) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Copies the content of the specified url into this file, replacing the previous content.
fetchContentFrom(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Gets the contents of the specified url, and write it to this file.
fg() - Method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi.Color
fg(JkAnsi.Color) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi
fgBright() - Method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi.Color
fgBright(JkAnsi.Color) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi
file - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication.JkIvyPublishedArtifact
fileEntries - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
files - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkComputedDependency
files() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.EclipseKBean
Use EclipseKBean.sync() instead.
filter(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
find(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties
Returns all keys with the specified prefix.
find(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase
Returns the KBean of the exact specified class, present in this runbase.
find(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.KBean
findAny() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
findByCoordinateGroupId(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Finds and returns a list of qualified dependencies based on the specified module ID.
findClassesExtending(ClassLoader, Class<?>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
findClassesExtending(ClassLoader, Class<?>, Path) - Method in interface
findClassesHavingMainMethod() - Method in class
Returns all class names having a main method.
findClassesInheritingOrAnnotatesWith(ClassLoader, Class<?>, Predicate<String>, Predicate<Path>, boolean, boolean, Class<?>...) - Method in interface
findClassesMatchingAnnotations(Predicate<List<String>>) - Method in class
Returns all classes matching the specified annotation predicate.
findClassesMatchingAnnotations(ClassLoader, Predicate<List<String>>) - Method in interface
findClassesWithMainMethod(ClassLoader) - Method in interface
findEntryContainingClass(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
Returns the first entry of this classpath containing the given class.
findFirst() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
findFirstNonLocalRepo() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Shorthand to get the first declared publication repository.
findFirstNonLocalRepo() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Shorthand to get the first declared publication repository.
findFreePort() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkApplicationTester
Retiurn the first free port detected in the dynamic port range.
findFreePort(int, int) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsNet
Finds a free port within the specified range.
findLatestStableVersion(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
Finds the latest version for a given module coordinate.
findMethodMethodDeclaration(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Find a method of the given name and argument type on the specified class or its parent classes.
first() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet.Hint
firstAndIf(boolean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet.Hint
firstExisting(Path...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
Returns the first specified path that exist.
firstMatching(String, String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns the first string out of the specified candidates matching the specified string.
firstNonNull(T...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsObject
Returns the objects of the specified array that is not null.
flatFacade - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Convenient facade for configuring the project.
flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Stream<? extends R>>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
flatMapToDouble(Function<? super T, ? extends DoubleStream>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
flatMapToInt(Function<? super T, ? extends IntStream>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
flatMapToLong(Function<? super T, ? extends LongStream>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
flush() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkMemoryBufferLogDecorator
Flush on the target outputStream of the delegate decorator.
flush(OutputStream) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
FORCE_UPDATE_ARG - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkMvn
forEach(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
forEachOrdered(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
fork - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkCompilationOptions
fork - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkTestOptions
Turn it on to run tests in a withForking process.
formatMillis(long) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsTime
Formats the given duration in milliseconds into a human-readable string.
friendlyName(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath


generate(Path, Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkResourceProcessor
generate(JkPathTreeSet, Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkResourceProcessor
Actually processes the resources, meaning copies the getResources to the specified output directory along replacing specified tokens.
generate(JkProject, Path) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectSourceGenerator
Generates source code under the supplied source directory.
generate() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse.JkEclipseClasspathGenerator
Generate the .classpath file
generateContextDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Generates the build context directory without building the Docker image.
generateSources() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
generateSources() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
generateTemplate(JkPomMetadata) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomTemplateGenerator
generateWar(JkProject, Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.j2e.JkJ2eWarProjectAdapter
generateWarDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.j2e.JkJ2eWarArchiver
generateWarFile(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.j2e.JkJ2eWarArchiver
gerVersionFromGit() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.git.GitKBean
Returns a configured JkVersionFromGit.
get() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateFileProxy
get(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Returns the JkDependency declared for the specified JkModuleId.
get() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetModifier
Compiutes a JkDependencySet by applying the modifier function to an empty set.
get(JkCoordinate) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoSet
Retrieves directly the file embodying the specified the external dependency.
get(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoSet
get(JkCoordinate) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkInternalDependencyResolver
get() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkInternalDependencyResolver.InternalVvyClassloader
get(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Returns path relative to this root of the specified relative path.
get() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Returns the underlying path.
get() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkUrlFileProxy
get() - Method in class
Return the URLClassLoader wrapped by this object.
get() - Method in class
get() - Method in class
Returns literal of this version.
get() - Method in class
Return the URLClassLoader wrapped by this object.
get(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Returns the first child element of the underlying element having the specified name.
get(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties
Returns the value associated with the specified property name or null if no value has been specified for this name.
get(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties
Returns the value associated with the specified property name or the defaultValue if no value has been specified for this name.
get() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit.FileList
get(URL) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
get() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath.JkZipRoot
get(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkImportedKBeans
Returns imported KBeans.
get(Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkImportedKBeans
Returns KBeans found in imported runbases having the specified type.
get(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase
Returns the JkRunbase instance associated with the specified project base directory.
getAborted() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkCount
getAbsentDependenciesFromLeft() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetMerge
getAbsentDependenciesFromRight() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetMerge
getAdapted() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
getAllArtifacts() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
getAllStartingWith(String, boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties
getAotMetadataRepoPaths() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation
getAppClasses() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Returns a JkPathTree representing the class files and sub-folders contained in the "bin" directory.
getAppClasspath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Returns the application classpath.
getAppLibs() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Returns a List of Path objects representing the libraries used by the application.
getAppSources() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Returns a JkPathTree representing the application sources.
getArch() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsJdk
getArch() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor
Gets the processor architecture as an JkUtilsSystem.Processor.Arch enum.
getArtifactId() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkPom
The artifactId for this POM.
getArtifactIds() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkArtifactPublisher
Returns all the artifact ids likely to be produced by this artifact producer.
getArtifactLocator() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
Files for artifacts to publish.
getArtifactPath(JkArtifactId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactLocator
Returns file system path where is supposed to be produced the specified artifact file id.
getArtifactPath(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactLocator
Returns the path where the specified artifact file is supposed to be produced.
getArtifactSpecification() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
Returns the JkCoordinate.JkArtifactSpecification for this module dependency.
getBaseDir() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
getBaseDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
getBaseDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Returns the base directory from where are resolved all relative path concerning this project (source folder, ...)
getBaseDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkVersionFromGit
getBaseDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase
getBaseDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.KBean
Returns the base directory of the project.
getBaseDirName() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.KBean
Returns the name of the folder which stands for the project base directory.
getBaseImage() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
getBasePath(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.KBean
Resolves the given relative path against the base directory of the project.
getBaseScaffold() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Returns the JkBaseScaffold object associated with this BaseKBean.
getBeanName(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
Retrieves the bean name for the given fully qualified class name.
getBeans() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase
Returns the list of registered KBeans.
getBlock(int) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
If version name is formatted of blocks separated with '.', this methods returns the block at specified index.
getBoms() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
getBuildable() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase
Get either a ProjectKBean or a BaseKBean present in this runbase.
getBuildableKBeanClass() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase
getCachedBeanClassNames(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
Returns the cached bean class names for the given base dir.
getCacheDir() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLocator
getCachedUrlContentDir() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLocator
getChecksum(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Returns an ASCII string representation of the checksum of this file for the specified algorithm.
getChecksumAlgos() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkPublishConfig
getChild(JkModuleId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
Returns the getChild node having the specified getModuleId.
getChildren() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
Returns the children nodes for this node in the tree structure.
getChildren(JkModuleId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
Returns the children nodes for this node having the specified getModuleId.
getClassDir() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
getClassDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
getClassDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Returns the directory where compiled classes are stored.
getClassDirPath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
getClasses() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleLibraryOrderEntry
getClassifier() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactId
Returns the classifier of this object.
getClassifier() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate.JkArtifactSpecification
getClassifier() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencyExclusion
getClasspath() - Method in class
Returns the classpath for this classloader excluding elements on the platform/system classloader.
getClasspath(ClassLoader) - Method in interface
getClasspath() - Method in class
getClasspath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
getClasspath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation
getClasspath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase
Returns the classpath used to compile jeka-src.
getCmdShorthandsProperties(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
Returns the command shorthand properties defined in properties files, from the specified base dir context.
getCommitHash() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit.Tag
getCommitMessagesSinceLastTag() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Returns the distinct last commit messages since last tag in the current branch.
getCompiledDependencies() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
Get the set of dependencies required for compilation.
getConflictResolver() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolutionParameters
Returns the conflict resolver to use.
getConsumerNames() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkConsumers
Returns the name of the Runnables, in the order of execution chain.
getContainerCount() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult
getContent() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Component
getCoordinate() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
Returns the getModuleId of this dependency.
getCoordinateDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
getCoordinateDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Retrieves the list of coordinate dependencies from the JkQualifiedDependencySet.
getCoordinateDependency() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependency
getCredentials() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
Returns the getRealm of this repository.
getCurrentBranch() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Returns the current branch name.
getCurrentCommit() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Returns the current commit of the Git repository.
getCurrentNestedLevel() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
getDeclaredConfigurations() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkFileNodeInfo
getDeclaredConfigurations() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkModuleNodeInfo
getDeclaredConfigurations() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkNodeInfo
getDeclaredFieldsWithAnnotation(Class<?>, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Returns all fields declared in the class passed as argument or its super classes annotated with the supplied annotation.
getDeclaredFieldsWithAnnotation(Class<?>, boolean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Returns all fields declared in the class passed as argument or and its super classes.
getDeclaredMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Returns the method of the given name and argument type on the specified class.
getDeclaredMethodsWithAnnotation(Class<?>, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Retrieves a list of methods declared in the specified class that are annotated with a given annotation.
getDeclaredVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkModuleNodeInfo
getDecorator() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
getDefaultAndInitKBeans(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
Retrieves the default and initialization KBean class names for the specified base directory.
getDefaultGpgPublicRingPath() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkGpgVerifier
Returns the default path for the pubring.gpg file.
getDefaultGpgSecretRingPath() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkGpgSigner
Returns the default path for the secret ring file.
getDefaultParams() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Returns the parameters of this dependency resolver.
getDefaultSigner() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Returns the default file signer for this publication.
getDefaultSigner() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Returns the default file signer for this publication.
getDefDependenciesClasspath(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
Returns the default dependencies classpath for the specified project directory..
getDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Retrieves the list of dependencies.
getDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Returns the transitive dependencies for this publication
getDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Returns the dependencies to be included in POM as transitive dependencies.
getDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkIdeSupport
getDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkPom
The dependencies declared in this POM.
getDependenciesAsTxt() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkMavenProject
Returns the dependencies of this Maven project as a formatted string suitable to be copy/pasted in jeka/project-dependencies.txt file.
getDependenciesAsXml() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Returns an XML document containing the dependency trees of this project.
getDependenciesHavingQualifier(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Returns a List of JkDependency objects that have the specified qualifiers.
getDependency() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependency
getDependencyAsJeKaCode(int) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkMavenProject
Returns the project's dependencies as JeKa code.
getDependencyConflictStrategy() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
Returns the strategy for resolving dependency conflicts.
getDependencyExclusion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkPom
The DependencyExclusions instance provided by the dependencyManagement section of this POM.
getDependencyResolver() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
getDependencyResolver() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkIdeSupport
getDependencyResolver() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase
Returns the dependency resolver used to fetch 3rd party build dependencies.
getDependencyTree() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolveResult
Returns the dependency tree for this dependency resolution.
getDescendantModuleCoordinates() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
Returns a set of module coordinates for all descendant modules of this dependency node.
getDevelopers() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
getDirectClasspath() - Method in class
Returns the classpath of this classloader without mentioning classpath of the parent classloaders.
getDirName() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectSourceGenerator
Sources will be generated under the output/generated_sources/[name returned by thus method] This path will be passed as argument to JkProjectSourceGenerator.generate(JkProject, Path)
getDiscoveryConfigurer() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
getDisplayName() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkTestIdentifier
getDoc() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
getDockerBuild() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerAppTester
getDotNotation() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkModuleId
A concatenation of the group and name of the module as '[group].[name]'.
getDownloadRepos() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoProperties
Returns repo from where are downloaded dependencies.
getDownloadRepos(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
Returns download repositories for the specified base directory.
getDuplicateConflictStrategy() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Returns the strategy to use when twi dependencies with distinct versions are declared in the project dependencies.
getDurationMs() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.JkLogEvent
getEmail() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata.JkDeveloperInfo
getEmbeddedLibAsPath(String) - Static method in class
getEncoding() - Method in class
getEncoding() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
getEntries() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Returns the unmodifiable list of scoped dependencies for this object.
getEntries() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Retrieves the list of qualified dependencies.
getEntries() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
Returns this sequence as a list.
getEntry(int) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
getErr() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkDebugLogDecorator
getErr() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkIndentLogDecorator
getErr() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkMemoryBufferLogDecorator
getErrorReport() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolveResult
Returns an error report if the resolution failed.
getErrPrintStream() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
getExcludeFolders() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Content
getExcludePatterns() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
Returns an unmodifiable set of exclude classname patterns.
getExcludeTags() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
getExclusions() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
Returns modules to exclude to the transitive chain.
getExistingFiles(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Returns a list of existing files having the specified relative path to its JkPathTree root.
getExitCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcResult
Returns the exit code of the process execution.
getExplicitJekaHome() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
getExportedClasspath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase
Returns the exported classpath used by the JkRunbase instance.
getExportedDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkLocalProjectDependency
Returns the dependencies that will be consumed by the depender.
getExportedDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase
Returns the exported dependencies of the JkRunbase instance.
getExposedPorts() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Returns an unmodifiable list of exposed ports in the Docker image.
getExtension() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactId
Returns the file getExtension of this object.
getExtension() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
getExtraJavaCompilerOptions() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
Returns extra compile options passed to the compiler
getFailed() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkCount
getFailures() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult
getField(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Gets the field having the specified name on the specified object.
getFieldValue(Object, Field) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Same as Field.get(Object) but throwing only unchecked exceptions.
getFieldValue(Object, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Gets the value of the field having the specified name on a given object.
getFiles() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkComputedDependency
getFiles() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkFileDependency
getFiles() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkFileSystemDependency
getFiles() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkFileNodeInfo
getFiles() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkModuleNodeInfo
getFiles() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkNodeInfo
getFiles() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolveResult
Shorthand for JkResolvedDependencyNode.getResolvedFiles() on the tree root.
getFiles() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Returns list of paths returned by but excluding directories from the result.
getFiles() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Returns a concatenation of files for all trees involved in this set.
getFilesFor(JkModuleId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolveResult
Returns files the specified module is resolved to.
getFirst(JkModuleId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
Returns first node descendant of this one standing for the specified getModuleId, deep first.
getForkingProcess() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor
getFound() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkCount
getFullDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase
Returns the complete dependencies of the JkRunbase instance.
getGeneratedResourceDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
getGeneratedSourceDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
getGeneratedSourceDirs() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkIdeSupport
getGeneratedSourceDirs() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
getGlobalExclusions() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Returns the dependencies to be excluded to the transitive chain when using this dependency.
getGlobalExclusions() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Returns the set of global exclusions for this JkQualifiedDependencySet.
getGlobalProperties() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
Returns the global properties.
getGlobalPropertiesFile() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLocator
getGroup() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkModuleId
Group of this module.
getGroupId() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkPom
The groupId for this POM.
getHome(JkJavaVersion) - Method in class
getHttpHeaders() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
getId() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkTestIdentifier
getIdePathDirs() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
getIdeProjectDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkComputedDependency
If this dependency can be represented as a project dependency in an IDE, this field mentions the baseTree dir of the project.
getIdeProjectDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
getIdeProjectDir() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependency
In the IDE, a dependency can be provided by a project exporting it.
getIdeProjectDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkFileSystemDependency
getIdeSupport() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
getImlFile(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
Retrieves the path of the iml file for the given module directory.
getImlFilePath(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
Returns the .iml file path for a module located at the specified root dir.
getImportBaseDirs() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase
Returns root path of imported projects.
getImportedKBeans() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.KBean
Refer to the KBeans coming from other sub-runbase, that has been imported in this KBean.
getIncludePatterns() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
Returns an unmodifiable set of include classname patterns (ex : ".*IT")
getIncludeTags() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
getInfo() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
getInfo() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Returns a human-readable text that mentions various settings for this project (source locations, file count, declared dependencies, ...).
getInheritedAnnotation(Method, Class<T>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Returns the annotation declared on a given method.
getInheritedAnnotation(Class<?>, Class<T>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Returns the annotation declared on a given method.
getInterpolationCharset() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkResourceProcessor
Returns the charset used for interpolation
getInvolvedCoordinates() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolveResult
Shorthand for dependencyTree.childModules(JkModuleId)
getIvyConfig() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
getIvyTargetConfigurations(JkTransitivity) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Returns the Ivy target configurations for the given transitivity.
getJarPath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Returns the path to the JAR file created by BaseKBean.buildJar() method.
getJarPathBaseName() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Returns the base name of the JAR file path created by the BaseKBean.buildJar() method.
getJavadoc() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleLibraryOrderEntry
getJavadocDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
getJavaIdeSupport() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkIdeSupportSupplier
getJavaIdeSupport() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Returns an ideSupport for this project.
getJavaIdeSupport() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
getJdk(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsJdk
getJekaHomeDir() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLocator
Returns the directory where is installed the running Jeka instance.
getJekaJarPath() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLocator
Returns the Jeka jar file currently used in the running process.
getJekaRepositoryCache() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLocator
Returns the location of the artifact repository cache.
getJekaUserHomeDir() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLocator
Returns the Jeka user directory.
getJekaVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
getJekaVersion() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkInfo
Returns the current Jeka version.
getJkVersionFromTag() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Returns the JkVersion extracted from the tags of the current commit.
getJUnitDeps() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
getJunitPlatformVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor
getJvmTargetVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Returns the Java JVM version that will be used to compile sources and generate bytecode.
getKBeanClassnameCacheFile(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
Resolves and retrieves the path to the KBean class name cache file located in the specified base directory.
getKBeanClasspathCacheFile(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
Resolves the path to the KBean classpath cache file located in the specified base directory.
getKind() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree.FileChange
getKind() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkProjectScaffoldOptions
getLabel() - Method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor.Arch
Gets the label suitable for display.
getLabel() - Method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor.Type
Gets the label suitable for display.
getLastCommitMessage() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Returns the last commit message.
getLastCommitMessageMultiLine() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Returns the last commit message as a list of strings.
getLastModifiedTime(Path, LinkOption...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
getLatestTag() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Returns the latest tag in the Git repository.
getLauncherConfigurer() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor.JkEngineBehavior
getLegacyReportDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor.JkEngineBehavior
getLicenses() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
getLocalImages() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDocker
Retrieves the names of Docker images available locally.
getM2LocalRepo() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkMvn
Returns the path to the local Maven repository.
getMainArtifactExt() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactLocator
Returns the extension used by the main artifact.
getMainArtifactId() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactLocator
Returns the main artifact file id for this producer.
getMainArtifactPath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactLocator
Returns the main artifact path.
getMainAttribute(String) - Method in class
Returns the value of the main attribute having the specified name.
getMainAttribute(Attributes.Name) - Method in class
Returns the value of the main attribute having the specified name.
getMainClass() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
getMainClass() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Returns the main class name of the project.
getMainClass() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Returns the actual main class to be used for launching the application or executable JAR.
getMainJar() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Returns the main JAR file produced by the build.
getMainJarPath() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
getManifest() - Method in class
Returns the underlying JDK Manifest object.
getManifest() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
getManifest() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Returns the JkManifest for the application.
getManifestCustomizers() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
getMatcher() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Returns the filter defined on this JkAbstractPathTree, never null.
getMatching(T) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
getMavenPublication() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean
Returns the Maven Publication associated with this KBean
getMessage() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.JkLogEvent
getMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Same as Class.getMethod(String, Class...) but throwing only unchecked exceptions.
getMethodOrNull(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Returns the method of the given name and argument type on the specified class.
getMissingFilesOrEmptyDirs() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkComputedDependency
Returns the missing files or empty directory for this dependency.
getModuleId() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
Returns the getModuleId of this dependency.
getModuleId() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencyExclusion
Returns the module id to exclude.
getModuleId() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Returns the moduleId (group + artifact name) for this publication.
getModuleId() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Returns the moduleId (group + artifact name) for this publication.
getModuleId() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkModuleDepProblem
Returns the moduleId related to this problem.
getModuleId() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkModuleNodeInfo
getModuleId() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
getModuleId() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Returns the moduleId of this project.
getModuleId() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Returns the module ID for this object.
getModuleIds() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
Returns all module ids that this object provides version for.
getModuleInfo() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
Convenient method to return relative information about this node, assuming this node stands for a module dependency.
getModuleName() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleOrderEntry
getModuleProblems() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolveResult.JkErrorReport
Returns the list of problems.
getName() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkModuleId
Name of this module.
getName() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata.JkDeveloperInfo
getName() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata.JkLicenseInfo
getName() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit.Tag
getNativeImageParams(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation
getNextValue(String) - Method in class
getNextValue(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
getNodeInfo() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
Returns information relative to this dependency node.
getOptions() - Method in class
Returns the specifications as a list of string directly usable in the JkJavaCompilerToolChain except source path
getOptions() - Method in class
Returns the axtra arguments passed to the Javadoc tool.
getOptions() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
Returns the specifications as a list of string directly usable in the JkJavaCompilerToolChain except sourcepath
getOrderEntries() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Component
getOrFindMainClass() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Retrieves the main class name of the project.
getOrganisation() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata.JkDeveloperInfo
getOrganisationUrl() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata.JkDeveloperInfo
getOut() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkDebugLogDecorator
getOut() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkIndentLogDecorator
getOut() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkMemoryBufferLogDecorator
getOutPrintStream() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
getOutput() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcHandler
Returns the output generated by the process.
getOutputDir() - Method in class
getOutputDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
getOutputDir() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
getOutputDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
getOutputDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Returns path of the directory under which are produced build files
getOutputDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.KBean
Returns the output directory where all the final and intermediate artifacts are generated.
getOutputMultiline() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcHandler
Returns the output generated by the executed process as a list of strings.
getParamAt(int) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Returns the command launched by this process.
getParams() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
getParent() - Method in class
Returns the class loader parent of this one.
getPassword() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkRepoCredentials
getPath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree.FileChange
getPath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ExcludeFolder
getPluginOptions() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Returns the list of plugin options used by this compiler.
getPlugins() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Returns the list of plugins used by this compiler.
getPortMappingArgs() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Returns a string representation of the command line arguments for port mapping in the Docker image.
getProblemText() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkModuleDepProblem
Returns the text explaining this problem.
getProcess() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcHandler
Returns the process associated with this handler.
getProcessor() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem
Gets a JkUtilsSystem.Processor object of the current JVM.
getProcessor(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem
Gets a JkUtilsSystem.Processor object the given value String.
getProdLayout() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkIdeSupport
getProgressStyle() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor.JkEngineBehavior
getProject() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Returns the project associated with this facade.
getProjectDescription() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
getProjectName() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
getProjectScaffold() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
Returns the project scaffold used by this KBean to perform #scaffold#
getProjectUrl() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
getProperties() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkPom
Returns properties declared in this POM.
getProperties(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
Returns the properties defined from the specifies base dir..
getProperties() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase
Returns the JkProperties object associated with the current instance of JkRunBase.
getPublicRingPath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkGpgVerifier
Returns the public ring of this object.
getPublishDependencies(JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet, JkCoordinate.ConflictStrategy) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
getPublishPassword() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoProperties
getPublishRepository() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoProperties
Returns repository where are published artifacts.
getPublishUsername() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoProperties
getQualifier() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependency
getRealm() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkRepoCredentials
getRelativeFiles() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
getRelativeFiles() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Returns a concatenation of relative paths for all trees involved in this set.
getReleaseVersion() - Method in class
getRemoteDefaultBranch(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Retrieves the default branch of a remote Git repository specified by its URL.
getRemoteTagAsStrings(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Retrieves a list of tags from a remote Git repository.
getRemoteTagCommit(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Retrieves the commit hash associated with a specified tag from a remote Git repository.
getRemoteTags(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Retrieves a list of tags from a remote Git repository.
getRemoteUrl() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Retrieves the URL of the "origin" remote for the Git repository.
getRepoByName(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoProperties
Creates JkRepo form Jeka options.
getRepoConfigHavingUrl(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoSet
Return the individual repository from this set having the specified url.
getReportDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectTesting
Returns the directory path where the test reports are stored.
getRepos() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoSet
getRepos() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Returns the repositories where this publication will be published.
getRepos() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Returns the repositories where this publication will be published.
getRepos() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Returns the repositories the resolution is made on.
getRepos() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Retrieves the set of repositories to fetch stdlib and plugins.
getRepos() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkPom
Repositories declared in this POM.
getResolvedCoordinate() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkModuleNodeInfo
getResolvedFiles() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
Returns all files resulting of this dependency node (this node itself plus all descendants).
getResolvedVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkModuleNodeInfo
getResolvedVersionProvider() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolveResult
Shorthand for dependencyTree.getResolvedVersions(JkModuleId)
getResolvedVersions() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
Returns the resolved version for this node and all its children.
getResource(String) - Method in class
getResources(String) - Method in class
getResources() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
getResRelPath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
getResult() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetMerge
getRoot() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Returns the root directory.
getRootConfigurations() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkModuleNodeInfo
getRootDirsOrZipFiles() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Returns root dir or zip file for each JkPathTree tree involved in this JkPathTreeSet.
getRunbase() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.KBean
Returns the JkRunbase where this KBean has been instantiated.
getRunnable(int) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkRunnables
Retrieves the Runnable stored at the specified index in the execution chain.
getRunnableNames() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkRunnables
Returns the name of the Runnables, in the order of execution chain.
getRuntimeClasspath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Returns the classpath used for running the built jar.
getRuntimeDependenciesAsFiles() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
getRuntimesDependencies() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
Get the dependencies needed at runtime, typically including compile-time dependencies and those used only at runtime.
getScmConnection() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
getScmDeveloperConnection() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
getScmUrl() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
getScope() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleLibraryOrderEntry
getScope() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleOrderEntry
getSecretRingPath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkGpgSigner
Returns the secret ring of this object.
getSigner() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkPublishConfig
getSize() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkRunnables
Returns the total number of entries in the execution chain.
getSkipped() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkCount
getSourceDirs() - Method in class
getSourceEncoding() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Returns the source encoding of source files.
getSourceFolders() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Content
getSources() - Method in class
getSources() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
Returns all source files to be compiled.
getSources() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
getSources() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleLibraryOrderEntry
getSourceVersion() - Method in class
getSourceVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkIdeSupport
getSrcRelPath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
getStackTraces() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkFailure
getStarted() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkCount
getStaticLinkage() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation
getStderr() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcResult
Returns the stderr generated by the executed process.
getStderrAsString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcResult
Returns the output generated by the executed process as a string, assuming UTF-8 encoding.
getStdJdk8Lib() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Returns the path of the standard JDK 8 libraries for the Kotlin compiler.
getStdLib() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Returns path of stdlib located in JEKA_HOME (if the compiler is provided by the platform) of from a repo (if the compiler is managed by JeKa, meaning the version is specified)
getStdout() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcResult
Returns the stdout generated by the executed process.
getStdoutAsMultiline() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcResult
Returns the output generated by the executed process as a list of strings, where each string represents a line of output.
getStdoutAsString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcResult
Returns the output generated by the executed process as a string, assuming UTF-8 encoding.
getSucceeded() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkCount
getTags() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkTestIdentifier
getTagsOnCurrentCommit() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Returns a list of tags associated with the current commit.
getTargetErr() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.JkLogDecorator
getTargetOut() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.JkLogDecorator
getTargetVersion() - Method in class
getTargetVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
getTemplate() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
Returns the template currently set for this scaffold
getTestClasspath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectTesting
Returns the classpath to run the test.
getTestClassRoots() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
Returns the test class rot dirs to discover the tests from.
getTestCount() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult
getTestId() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkFailure
getTestLayout() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkIdeSupport
getTestRelPath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
getTestResPath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
getThrowableClassname() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkFailure
getThrowableMessage() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkFailure
getTimeFinished() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult
getTimeStarted() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult
getTransitivity() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
Returns true if this dependency should be resolved transitively (returning the dependencies of this dependency recursively).
getTransitivity() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkLocalProjectDependency
getTransitivity() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkTransitivityDependency
getType() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate.JkArtifactSpecification
getType() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencyExclusion
getType() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.JkLogEvent
getType() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkTestIdentifier
getType() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.SourceFolder
getType() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor
Gets the processor type as JkUtilsSystem.Processor.Type enum.
getTypesOf(Object[]) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Returns an array of the types of specified objects.
getUrl() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
Returns the url of this repository.
getUrl() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata.JkLicenseInfo
getUrl() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.SourceFolder
getUserName() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkRepoCredentials
getValue() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
Returns the value of the version.
getVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
Returns the version of the module this dependency is constrained to.
getVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Returns the version of the artifacts for this publication.
getVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Returns the version of the artifacts for this publication.
getVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkModuleDepProblem
Returns the version range for which the problematic module dependency has been declared.
getVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Returns the version of Kotlin this compiler stands for.
getVersion() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
getVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Returns the version of the projects.
getVersion() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkInfo
getVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkVersionFromGit
Gets the current version either from commit message if specified nor from git tag.
getVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkPom
The version for this POM.
getVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Returns the version of the application/library.
getVersionAsJkVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkVersionFromGit
getVersionedDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Returns all dependencies, adding versionProvider versions to module dependencies that does not specify one.
getVersionFilter() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkPublishConfig
Returns the filter used for this JkRepo.JkPublishConfig.
getVersionFromCommitMessage(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Returns version according the last commit message.
getVersionFromTag(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Returns version according the tags found on current commit.
getVersionFromTag() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Returns version according the tags found on current commit.
getVersionOf(JkModuleId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
Returns the version to use with specified module.
getVersionOf(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
Returns the version to use with specified module.
getVersionOf(JkModuleId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolveResult
Shorthand for resolvedVersion.getVersionOf(JkModuleId)
getVersionOfOrUnspecified(JkModuleId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
getVersionProvider() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Returns overridden versions for transitive dependencies and direct dependencies with no version specified on.
getVersionProvider() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Returns the version provider associated with this JkQualifiedDependencySet.
getVersionProvider() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkPom
The map groupId:ArtifactId -> version provided by the dependencyManagement section of this POM.
getVersionResolvedCoordinateDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
getVersionTagPrefix() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkVersionFromGit
getW3cDocument() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomDocument
Returns thd underlying w3c Document.
getW3cElement() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Returns the underlying w3cElement.
getWorkingDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Returns the working directory of this process.
getZipEntries(ZipFile) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsZip
Returns all zip entry of the specified zip file.
getZipFile() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath.JkZipRoot
getZipFile(File) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsZip
Creates a ZipFile to file without checked exception.
git - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.git.GitKBean
GitKBean - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.git
GitKBean() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.git.GitKBean
gitVersioning - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
gitVersioning - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
GLIB - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_FILENAME - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLocator
GOOGLE_PROTOCOL_BUFFER - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
goTo(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Creates a JkAbstractPathTree having the specified relative path to this root as getRoot directory.
GROUP - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
GSON - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
GUAVA - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
GUICE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs


H2 - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
handle(JkLog.JkLogEvent) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkDebugLogDecorator
handle(JkLog.JkLogEvent) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkFlatLogDecorator
handle(JkLog.JkLogEvent) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkIndentLogDecorator
handle(JkLog.JkLogEvent) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkMemoryBufferLogDecorator
handle(JkLog.JkLogEvent) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkNumberLogDecorator
handleVersioning(JkBuildable.Supplier) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkVersionFromGit
Configures the specified baseKBean to use git version for publishing and adds git info to the manifest.
handleVersioning(JkBuildable.Supplier, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkVersionFromGit
Convenient static method for handling versioning of both project and base.
hasBlockAt(int) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
Returns true when JkVersion.getBlock(int) won't throw an IllegalArgumentException.
hasCollectedOutput() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcHandler
Returns true if the executed process has collected output.
hasCollectedStderr() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcResult
Returns true if the executed process has collected stdErr.
hasCollectedStdout() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcResult
Returns true if the executed process has collected stdout.
hasDynamicAndResolvableVersions() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Returns true if this object contains dependency on external module whose rely on dynamic version that are resolvable (Maven Snapshot versions are dynamic but not resolvable).
hasDynamicVersions() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Returns true if this object contains dependency on external module whose rely on dynamic version.
hasErrors() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolveResult.JkErrorReport
hasFileStartingWith(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit.FileList
hasFilter() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactId
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkComputedDependency
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate.JkArtifactSpecification
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencyExclusion
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet.Hint
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkFileSystemDependency
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkLocalProjectDependency
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkModuleId
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependency
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkTransitivity
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleLibraryOrderEntry
hashCode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleOrderEntry
hashCode(Object) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsObject
Returns the hash code of the specified object or 0 if it's null.
hasMissingFilesOrEmptyDirs() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkComputedDependency
Returns true if at least one of these files is missing or one of these directory is empty.
hasModules() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Returns true if this object contains dependencies whose are JkCoordinateDependency.
hasNoExistingRoot() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Returns true if no tree of this set has an existing baseTree.
hasNonExisting() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
hasNonRootUserCreation() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Checks whether the image includes a step to create a non-root user.
hasSucceed() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcResult
Returns true if the process execution succeeded.
hasUnspecifiedVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
Returns true if the version of the module for this dependency is not specified.
header - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription.MdContent
HIBERNATE_CORE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
HIBERNATE_JPA_SUPPORT - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
HIBERNATE_VALIDATOR - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs


ideSupportModifier - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Function to modify the JkIdeSupport used for configuring IDEs.
imageName - Variable in enum dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild.PopularBaseImage
imageName - Variable in enum dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerNativeBuild.PopularBaseImage
iml() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.IntellijKBean
IML_SKIP_MODULE_XML_PROP - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.IntellijKBean
imlFile - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.IntellijKBean
IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE - Static variable in class
The title of the implementation.
IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR - Static variable in class
The version of the implementation.
IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION - Static variable in class
The version of the implementation.
importDir(Path, CopyOption...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Copies the specified directory and its content at the root of this tree.
importFile(Path, String, StandardCopyOption...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Copies the specified file at the specified path within this tree.
importFiles(Iterable<Path>, StandardCopyOption...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Copies the specified files at the root of this tree.
importTree(JkAbstractPathTree, CopyOption...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Copies the content of the specified tree at the root of this one.
inactivateOnJkLog() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkMemoryBufferLogDecorator
includeAllResources - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.nativ.NativeKBean
includeMainClassArg - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.nativ.NativeKBean
includePatterns - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkTestOptions
info() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkArtifactPublisher
Returns a string representation the artifacts that will be published.
info() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
info() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Returns a string representation of the information for this JkMavenPublication.
info(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
info() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
info() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
info() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
info() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean
infoNative() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
inheritJkLogOptions() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Adds a param -lv=[DecoratorStyle] matching the current one.
init(PrintStream, PrintStream) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkDebugLogDecorator
init(PrintStream, PrintStream) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkFlatLogDecorator
init(PrintStream, PrintStream) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkIndentLogDecorator
init(PrintStream, PrintStream) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.JkLogDecorator
This method is invoked by JkLog when a new consumer is applied on.
init(PrintStream, PrintStream) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkMemoryBufferLogDecorator
init(PrintStream, PrintStream) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkNumberLogDecorator
init() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkApplicationTester
Prepares the variables required to start and stop the application, including the base URL and port configuration.
init() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerAppTester
init() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
init() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
init() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.KBean
This method is called by JeKa engine, right after public fields from command-line or properties have been injected.
initDescription - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription
initialLayout() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
initProject() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.IntellijKBean
inputStream(File) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Same as FileInputStream constructor but throwing unchecked exceptions.
inputStream(URL) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Same as URL.openStream() but throwing only unchecked exceptions.
insertAfter(String, String, Runnable) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkRunnables
Inserts the specified runnable in the execution chain, just after another one.
insertBefore(String, String, Runnable) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkRunnables
Inserts the specified runnable in the execution chain, just before another one.
install() - Method in class
instance(List<Path>) - Static method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkInternalJunitDoer
instantiate(String) - Method in class
Creates an instance of the class having the specified name in this class loader.
IntellijKBean - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide
IntellijKBean() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.IntellijKBean
InternalVvyClassloader() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkInternalDependencyResolver.InternalVvyClassloader
interpolate(String, Function<String, String>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Replaces variable tokens in the given string with the corresponding values provided by the replacer function.
invoke(Object, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Invokes the specified method on the given object.
invoke(Object, Method) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Invokes the specified method on the given object.
invoke(Object, Method, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Invokes the specified method on the given object.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect.ReflectionInvocationHandler
invokeInstanceMethod(Object, String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Invokes an instance method with the specified arguments
invokeStaticMethod(Class<?>, String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Invokes a static method with the specified arguments
involvedClassNames - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi.InitKBeans
is32Bit() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor
Tests if JkUtilsSystem.Processor is 32 bit.
is64Bit() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor
Tests if JkUtilsSystem.Processor is 64 bit.
IS_LINUX - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem
IS_MACOS - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem
IS_WINDOWS - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem
Flag valuing true if the running underlying ofSystem is Windows.
isAarch64() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor
Tests if JkUtilsSystem.Processor is type of Aarch64.
isActive() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkMemoryBufferLogDecorator
isAnimationAccepted() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
isApplicationReady() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkApplicationTester
Check and returns if the application is ready to be tested.
isApplicationReady() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerAppTester
isAssertionFailure() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkFailure
isAvailableAndOk(String, boolean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsNet
isBlank(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Checks if a String is whitespace, empty ("") or null.
isBreakOnFailures() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectTesting
Returns if #run should fail (throwing a IllegalArgumentException) if test result has failures.
isCompilationForked(JkJavaVersion, JkJavaCompileSpec) - Method in class
Determines if the Java compilation process is forked into an external process.
isComputed() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkFileNodeInfo
Returns true if this node come from a computed dependency
isCoordinate(String) - Static method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependency
Determines whether the given String represents a coordinate or a file path.
isCoordinateDescription(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
Returns true if the specified candidate matches to a module description.
isDebug() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
isDefined(String) - Method in class
Returns if the specified class is defined in this classloader.
isDetectMainClass() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
isDigits(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Checks if the provided string consists only of digits.
isDigitsOnly() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
isDone() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
isDynamic() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
Returns true if the definition stands for a dynamic version (as "1.4.+", "[1.0,2.0[", "3.0-SNAPSHOT", ...) or false if it stands for a fixed one (as "1.4.0, "2.0.3-23654114", ...).
isDynamicAndResolvable() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
Returns true if the definition stands for dynamic resolvable version (as 1.4.+, [1.0, 2.0[, ...).
Returns false if the version is static or snapshot (as 1.4.0, 3.1-SNAPSHOT) A snapshot is not considered as 'resolvable'.
isEmpty() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkRepoCredentials
isEmpty() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
Returns true if this provider is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkConsumers
isEmpty() - Method in class
Returns true if this manifest has no entry or has only "Manifest-Version" entry.
isEngineTestPresent() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor
isEqualOrGreaterThan(JkJavaVersion) - Method in class
Determines if the current Java version is equal to or greater than the specified Java version.
isEvicted() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkModuleNodeInfo
isExported() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleLibraryOrderEntry
isExported() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleOrderEntry
isFailOnDependencyResolutionError() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolutionParameters
isFailOnError() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Returns true if this process must throw an execption if the underlying process returns code different from 0.
isGreaterThan(JkVersion) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
Returns true if this version is to be considered superior to the specified one.
isHttpOrHttps(URL) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
isIA64() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor
Tests if JkUtilsSystem.Processor is type of Intel Itanium.
isInCause(Throwable, Class<? extends Throwable>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsThrowable
Returns true if the specified throwable has the specified cause exception class in its chain.
isIncludeTextAndLocalDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Returns if the project dependencies include those mentioned in jeka/project-dependencies.txt flat file.
isIvyRepo() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
isJekaProject(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
Returns true if the specified path is the root directory of a Jeka project.
isLocal() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
isLogIvyVerboseMessages() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkInfo
isMainArtifact() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactId
isMessageType() - Method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.Type
isMethodPublicIn(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Returns whether the specified method signature is declared in the specified class.
isModuleNode() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
Returns true if this node stands for a module dependency.
isOk() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsNet.BasicHttpResponse
isOnGitRepo() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
isParallel() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
isPPC() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor
Tests if JkUtilsSystem.Processor is type of Power PC.
isPresent() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDocker
Checks if Docker is present on the system.
isProvidedCompiler() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Returns true if this compiler is provided by the host machine, meaning it has not been downloaded and managed by Jeka.
isRefreshed() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolutionParameters
Returns true if during the resolution phase, the dynamic version must be resolved as well or the cache can be reused.
isSameFile(Path, Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
isShowTaskDuration() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
isSignatureRequired() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkPublishConfig
isSkipped() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectTesting
Returns if the tests should be skipped.
isSnapshot() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
Returns true if this version stands for a snapshot one.
isStatusOk(String, boolean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsNet
isSyncWithRemote() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Checks if the local branch is in sync with the remote branch.
isTest() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.SourceFolder
isToolOrProcessSpecified() - Method in class
isTransitiveByDefault() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
isUniqueSnapshot() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkPublishConfig
isUnselected() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkModuleNodeInfo
isUnspecified() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
Returns true if this version range is unspecified.
isUseFileSystemCache() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Returns a boolean indicating whether the file system cache is used by the dependency resolver.
isUseInMemoryCache() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Returns whether the in-memory cache is
isUseVarPath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
isVerbose() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
isVerbose() - Method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.Verbosity
isWorkspaceDirty() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Checks if the workspace is dirty by executing the 'git diff HEAD --stat' command and checking if the output is empty.
isX86() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor
Tests if JkUtilsSystem.Processor is type of x86.
IT_PATTERN - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
A regular expression pattern for selecting integration test classes.
iterator() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
iterator() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
IVY_COORDINATE - Static variable in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkInternalDependencyResolver
IVY_URL_PATH - Static variable in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkInternalDependencyResolver
ivyConfig - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
Configuration specific to Ivy repository.
ivyJarValid(Path) - Static method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkInternalDependencyResolver
ivyPatterns() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkRepoIvyConfig
ivyPublication(JkProject) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPublications
Creates an Ivy publication from the specified
ivyRepo - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo


JACKSON_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JACKSON_CORE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JACKSON_DATABIND - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
jarFile(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsZip
jarType - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
jarType - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkPackOptions
JAVA_RESOURCE_MATCHER - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
Filter to consider as resources everything but java source stuff.
JAVA_SOURCE_MATCHER - Static variable in class
Filter to consider only Java source
JAVA_SOURCES_COMPILE_ACTION - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
javadoc - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkPublishOptions
When true, javadoc is created and packed in a jar file.
JAVADOC_ARTIFACT_ID - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactId
javadocProcessor - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Provides fluent interface for producing Javadoc.
javaHome() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsJdk
javaVersion - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkCompilationOptions
JAVAX_ACTIVATION - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_CDI_API - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_CONNECTOR - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_CONNECTOR_API - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_EL - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_INJECT - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_JAVAEE_API - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_JCR - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_JDO2 - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_JMS - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_JSP - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_JSR250_API - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_JSR311_API - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_JSTL - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_JTA - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_MAIL_API - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_PERSISTENCE_API - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_SERVLET_API - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_VALIDATION_API - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_WEB_SOCKET_SERVER_API - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JAVAX_XML_BIND - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JEKA_GITHUB_ALIAS - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoProperties
JEKA_MODULE_ID - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkInfo
JEKA_SRC_CLASSES_DIR - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkConstants
Relative path to the project where the jeka-src classes will be compiled.
JEKA_SRC_DIR - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkConstants
Relative path of jeka-src dir to the base dir.
JEKA_VERSION_PROVIDER - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkConstants
JEKA_WORK_PATH - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkConstants
Relative path to the project base directory where jeka work files are generated.
JERSEY_CORE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JERSEY_SERVER - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JETTY_SERVER - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JGIT - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
Jk2ColumnsText - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.text
Utility class that allows formatting text into two columns.
Jk3ColumnsText - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.text
Utility class that allows formatting text into many column.
JkAbstractPathTree<T extends JkAbstractPathTree> - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.file
Provides a view on files and sub-folders contained in a given directory or zip file.
JkAbstractPathTree(Supplier<Path>, JkPathMatcher) - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
JkAbstractPathTree.FileChange - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.file
JkAbstractPathTree.JkPathTreeStream - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.file
A decorator class for Stream that provides additional functionality specific to path trees.
JkAbstractProcess<T extends JkAbstractProcess> - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
The JkProcess class represents a process that can be executed on the system.
JkAbstractProcess() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
JkAbstractProcess(JkAbstractProcess<?>) - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
JkAnsi - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.system
JkAnsi.Attribute - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.system
JkAnsi.Color - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.system
JkAnsiConsole - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.system
JkAnsiConsole.Cache - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
JkApplicationTester - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.testing
Template class for performing actions on application to be deployed and undeployed.
JkApplicationTester() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkApplicationTester
JkArtifactId - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact
Artifacts are files produced by projects in order to be published and reused by other projects.
JkArtifactLocator - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact
Defines methods for enumerating and locating artifacts files likely to be produced.
JkArtifactPublisher - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication
Container for artifact files to publish.
JkBaseScaffold - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base
JkBaseScaffold.Kind - Enum in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base
JkBeanDescription - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool
JkBeanDescription.BeanField - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool
Definition for Jeka class option.
JkBeanDescription.BeanMethod - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool
Definition of method in a given class that can be called by Jeka.
JkBeanDescription.InitMethodInfo - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool
JkBeanDescription.MdContent - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool
JkBuildable - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.project
Adapter for both JkProject an BaseKBean that can be used as an abstraction on this two classes.
JkBuildable.Adapted - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.project
JkBuildable.Supplier - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.project
JkBusyIndicator - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
JkClassLoader - Class in
Wrapper class around ClassLoader providing convenient methods.
JkColumnText - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.text
Utility class for formatting text into columns.
JkCompilationOptions() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkCompilationOptions
JkCompileLayout - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.project
Folder layout for a project output.
JkCompileLayout.Concern - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.project
JkCompileLayout.Style - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.project
JkCompileOption - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Specifies the options of the Jeka compiler for jeka-src classes.
JkCompileOption.JkCompileOptions - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Repeatable container.
JkComputedDependency - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Dependency on computed resource.
JkComputedDependency(Runnable, Path, Iterable<Path>) - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkComputedDependency
Constructs a computed dependency to the specified files and the specified Runnable to run for generating them.
JkConsoleSpinner - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
JkConstants - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool
Holds constants about project structures
JkConstants() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkConstants
JkConsumers<T> - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.function
A mutable container for Consumer.
JkCoordinate - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Represents a set of identifiers for binary artifacts.
JkCoordinate.ConflictStrategy - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
JkCoordinate.JkArtifactSpecification - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
When declaring a module dependency, we implicitly request for the main artifact of this module.
JkCoordinateDependency - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
A dependency on an external module supposed to be located in a binary repository.
JkCoordinateFileProxy - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Class behaving as a file supplier for a given dependency.
JkCoordinateSearch - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
JkDebugLogDecorator - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
Consumer behaving like JkIndentLogDecorator but displaying the source line where each log occurs.
JkDebugLogDecorator() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkDebugLogDecorator
JkDep - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Adds an element to jeka-src classpath.
JkDep.JkImports - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Repeatable container.
JkDependency - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Interface standing for a dependency.
JkDependencyExclusion - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
A piece of information aiming at excluding transitive dependencies.
JkDependencyResolver - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution
Class to resolve dependencies to files or dependency tree.
JkDependencySet - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
A set of JkDependency generally standing for a given purpose (compile, test, runtime) in a project build.
JkDependencySet.Hint - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
JkDependencySetMerge - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Result of merging two JkDependencySet.
JkDependencySetModifier - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
This class allows modifying a JkDependencySet using a series of method calls.
JkDepSuggest - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Tag to let IDE recognise that the value can be suggested with dependency coordinate
JkDoc - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Documents the annotated element so that Jeka can display some information when 'help' is invoked from command line.
JkDocker - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker
Class providing utility methods for executing Docker commands.
JkDockerAppTester - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker
JkDockerBuild - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker
Docker Builder assistant for defining and creating Docker images.
JkDockerBuild() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
JkDockerBuild.AddUserStatement - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker
JkDockerBuild.DockerfileTemplate - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker
JkDockerBuild.NonRootMode - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker
Defines the modes for creating a nonroot user in a Docker image.
JkDockerJvmBuild - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker
Docker Builder assistant for creating Docker images that run JVM applications.
Provides functionality tailored to JVM programs, such as setting classes, classpaths, agents, and Maven repositories for fetching tools.
JkDockerJvmBuild.PopularBaseImage - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker
JkDockerNativeBuild - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker
Docker Builder assistant for creating Docker images that run native applications compiled with GraalVM.
Provides a default Docker build configuration using a multi-stage build process: The first stage is the build image, which compiles the JVM application into a native executable. The native executable is then copied into the production image to serve as the entrypoint.
JkDockerNativeBuild.PopularBaseImage - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker
JkDocUrl - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Indicates that the annotated KBean has documentation accessible at the specified value.
JkDomDocument - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml
Borrowed from VincerDom Wrapper for Document offering a Parent-Chaining fluent interface.
JkDomElement - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml
Borrowed from VincerDom Wrapper for Element offering a Parent-Chaining fluent interface.
JkDomXPath - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml
Borrowed from VincerDom Utility class to create XPathExpression avoiding checked exceptions.
JkEclipseClasspathGenerator - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse
Provides method to generate Eclipse .classpath metadata files.
JkEclipseProjectGenerator - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse
Memory model of Eclipse .project file.
JkException - Exception in dev.jeka.core.tool
Marker exception to notice a misconfiguration from the user or an infrastructure problem.
JkException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception dev.jeka.core.tool.JkException
Constructs a JkException with the specified message.
JkExternalToolApi - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool
Exported methods to integrate with external tools.
JkExternalToolApi.InitKBeans - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool
JkFileDependency - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Dependencies that can directly provide files without passing by an external medium.
JkFileSigner - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.crypto
JkFileSystemDependency - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
A dependency on files located on file system.
JkFlatLogDecorator - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
This decorator shows minimalist task decoration...
JkFlatLogDecorator() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkFlatLogDecorator
JkGit - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git
A utility class for executing Git commands within a specific directory.
JkGit.FileList - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git
JkGit.Tag - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git
JkGitVersioning - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.git
JkGpgSigner - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg
Provides methods for signing data with GnuPG.
JkGpgVerifier - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg
Provides methods for verifying signature with GnuPG.
JkIdeSupport - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.project
Information necessary to generate metadata project file for IDE.
JkIdeSupportSupplier - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.project
JkIml - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij
Object model for IntelliJ iml files.
JkIml.Component - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij
JkIml.Content - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij
JkIml.ExcludeFolder - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij
JkIml.ModuleLibraryOrderEntry - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij
JkIml.ModuleOrderEntry - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij
JkIml.PathUrlResolver - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij
JkIml.Scope - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij
JkIml.SourceFolder - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij
JkImlGenerator - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij
Provides method to generate and read Eclipse metadata files.
JkImportedKBeans - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool
A KBean can import one or several KBeans from external projects.
JkIndentLogDecorator - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
This decorator adds indentation for logs nested within a task.
JkIndentLogDecorator() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkIndentLogDecorator
JkInfo - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
Provides information about Jeka running instance.
JkInfo() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkInfo
JkInit - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool
Class for instantiating builds while displaying meaningful information about environment on console.
JkInject - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Adds an entry to the jeka-src classpath where this annotation is declared.
JkInjectClasspath - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Use @JkDep instead
JkInjectClasspath.JkImports - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Repeatable container.
JkInjectCompileOption - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Use @JkCompileOption instead
JkInjectCompileOption.JkInjectCompileOptions - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Repeatable container.
JkInjectProperty - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Use JkPropValue instead
JkInjectRunbase - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Use @JkInject instead
JkInternalChildFirstClassLoader - Class in
Not part of public API
JkInternalClasspathScanner - Interface in
Not part of public api
JkInternalClasspathScanner.Cache - Class in
JkInternalDependencyResolver - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution
Not part of the public API.
JkInternalDependencyResolver.InternalVvyClassloader - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution
JkInternalEmbeddedClassloader - Class in
Not part of the public API
JkInternalGpgDoer - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg
JkInternalGpgDoer.Cache - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg
JkInternalJarShader - Interface in
JkInternalJarShader.Cache - Class in
JkInternalJarShader.MavenShaderClassLoader - Class in
JkInternalJunitDoer - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.testing
Not part of the public API
JkInternalPublisher - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication
Not part of the public API.
JkIvyPublication - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication
Information required to publish a module in an Ivy repository.
JkIvyPublication.JkIvyPublishedArtifact - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication
JkJ2eWarArchiver - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.j2e
JkJ2eWarProjectAdapter - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.j2e
JkJarPacker - Class in
Utilities class to produce Jar files.
JkJarWriter - Class in
Writes JAR content, ensuring valid directory entries are always created and duplicated items are ignored.
JkJavaCompilerToolChain - Class in
Compiler for Java source code.
JkJavaCompilerToolChain.JkJdks - Class in
JkJavaCompileSpec - Class in
Stands for a compilation settings as source and target version, encoding, annotation processing or any option supported by the compileRunner.
JkJavadocProcessor - Class in
Provides fluent interface for producing Javadoc.
JkJavadocProcessor() - Constructor for class
JkJavaProcess - Class in
Offers fluent interface for launching Java processes.
JkJavaProcess() - Constructor for class
JkJavaProcess(JkJavaProcess) - Constructor for class
JkJavaVersion - Class in
Java specification version
JkJekaVersionRanges - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool
A utility class to check if the Jeka related classes imported in Jeka classpath are compatible with the running Jeka version.
JkKotlinCompiler - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin
Represents a Kotlin compiler.
JkKotlinCompiler.Target - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin
Represents the possible target platforms for the Kotlin compiler.
JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin
Stands for a compilation settings as source and target version, encoding, annotation processing or any option supported by the compileRunner.
JkKotlinModules - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin
JkLayoutOptions() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkLayoutOptions
JkLocalProjectDependency - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
JkLocator - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
Provides location related to the running Jeka instance.
JkLocator() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLocator
JkLog - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
Provides static methods for logging events.
JkLog() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
JkLog.JkLogDecorator - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
JkLog.JkLogEvent - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
JkLog.JkState - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
JkLog.Style - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.system
Available style of logging displaying.
JkLog.Type - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.system
Type of events emitted by logs.
JkLog.Verbosity - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.system
Levels of logging
JkLogDecorator() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.JkLogDecorator
JkManifest - Class in
Wrapper class on Manifest providing utility methods.
JkMavenMetadata - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication
Object representation of the maven-metadata.xml file found in Maven repositories for describing available timestamped snapshot available for a given version.
JkMavenMetadata.Versioning - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication
JkMavenMetadata.Versioning.JkSnapshot - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication
JkMavenProject - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven
Represents a Maven project with various utility methods for performing common tasks.
JkMavenPublication - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication
Publication specific information to include in POM file in order to be published of a Maven repository.
JkMemoryBufferLogDecorator - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
JkMiscXml - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij
Utility class for working with IntelliJ IDEA's `misc.xml` configuration file.
JkModuleDepProblem - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution
Information about problem when resolving dependencies
JkModuleId - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Identify a module (such as Google Guava).
JkMvn - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven
Convenient class wrapping maven process.
JkNativeCompilation - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ
Handles native compilation to produce executables from a list of JAR files.
JkNativeCompilation.ReachabilityMetadata - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ
JkNativeCompilation.StaticLink - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ
JkNumberLogDecorator - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
This decorator adds task numbering s: 1 s: 1.1 s: 1.1.1 e: s: 1.1.2
JkNumberLogDecorator() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkNumberLogDecorator
JkPackOptions() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkPackOptions
JkPathFile - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.file
A path standing for a file (not a directory).
JkPathMatcher - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.file
A collection of pre-defined PathMatchers, each associated with a label for human-readable identification.
JkPathSequence - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.file
A sequence of file path (folder or archive).
JkPathTree - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.file
Provides a view on files and sub-folders contained in a given directory or zip file.
JkPathTree(Path, JkPathMatcher) - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTree
JkPathTreeSet - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.file
Immutable collection of JkPathTree instances representing multiple directory trees or zip file trees.
JkPom - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven
Wraps a POM file (Ideally an effective POM file) and provides convenient methods to extract information on.
JkPomMetadata - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication
These are extra information required to publish on Maven central.
JkPomMetadata() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean.JkPomMetadata
JkPomMetadata.JkDeveloperInfo - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication
Information about a developer.
JkPomMetadata.JkLicenseInfo - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication
Information about a license.
JkPomTemplateGenerator - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication
JkPomTemplateGenerator() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomTemplateGenerator
JkPopularLibs - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Constants on popular modules used in Java ecosystem.
JkPostInit - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Marks an instance KBean method to run KBean initialization phase.
JkPreInit - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Marks a static KBean method to run during KBean initialization.
JkProcess - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
The JkProcess class represents a process that can be executed on the system.
JkProcess() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcess
JkProcess(JkProcess) - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcess
JkProcHandler - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
Represents a handler for a running process.
JkProcResult - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
Represents the result of a process execution.
JkProject - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.project
Stands for the whole project model for building purpose.
JkProject.JkRunnableContainer - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.project
JkProject.RuntimeDeps - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.project
Flag to indicate if we need to include, or not, runtime dependencies in some scenario.
JkProjectCompilation - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.project
Handles project compilation step.
JkProjectFlatFacade - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.project
A simplified facade over JkProject to access its configuration through a single entry point.
JkProjectFlatFacade.JkDependencyFacade - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.project
JkProjectPackaging - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.project
Responsible to create binary, Javadoc and Source jars.
JkProjectPackaging.JarType - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.project
JkProjectPublications - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.project
Provides factory methods to create different types of publications for a JkProject.
JkProjectPublications() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPublications
JkProjectScaffold - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold
Provides features to scaffold projects.
JkProjectScaffold.Kind - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold
JkProjectScaffoldOptions() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkProjectScaffoldOptions
JkProjectSourceGenerator - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.project
JkProjectTesting - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.project
Handles project testing step.
JkPrompt - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
JkProperties - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.system
A set of name-value pairs.
JkPropValue - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Injects the environment variable value if such a one exists and an option as not been already injected on.
JkPublishConfig() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkPublishConfig
JkPublishOptions() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkPublishOptions
JkQualifiedDependency - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Many tools as Maven, Ivy, Gradle or Intellij qualify dependencies according their purpose and how they should be used for resolution or publication.
JkQualifiedDependencySet - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Represents a set of qualified dependencies.
JkRepo - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Hold configuration necessary to instantiate download or upload repository
JkRepo.JkPublishConfig - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Configuration specific to publishing.
JkRepo.JkRepoCredentials - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
JkRepo.JkRepoIvyConfig - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Configuration specific to Ivy.
JkRepoProperties - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Provides static methods for creating repositories from standard properties.
JkRepoSet - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
A set of JkRepo
JkRequire - Annotation Type in dev.jeka.core.tool
Marks a method that dynamically computes the required class for a given KBean.
JkResolutionParameters - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution
Contains parameters likely to impact module resolution behavior.
JkResolutionParameters.JkConflictResolver - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution
Strategy for resolving version conflict
JkResolvedDependencyNode - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution
A representation of a node in a dependency tree.
JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkFileNodeInfo - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution
JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkModuleNodeInfo - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution
JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkNodeInfo - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution
JkResolveResult - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution
Result of a module dependency resolution for a given scope.
When resolving a module dependencies for a given scope, we expect to get The list of files constituting the resolved dependencies (the jar files for instance) The JkVersionProvider that specify which static version has been taken in account when a module dependency is declared using dynamic versions (as 1.0.+)
JkResolveResult.JkErrorReport - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution
JkResourceProcessor - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.file
This processor basically copies some resource files to a target folder (generally the class folder).
JkRunbase - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool
Execution context associated with a base directory.
JkRunnableContainer(String) - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject.JkRunnableContainer
JkRunnables - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.function
A mutable container for Runnable.
JkRunOptions() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkRunOptions
JkScaffold - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold
Object that process scaffolding.
JkScaffold(Path, JkRepoSet) - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
JkScaffold(Path) - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
JkScaffold.JkFileEntry - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold
JkScaffoldOptions - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.scaffold
Provides method to generate a project skeleton (folder structure, configuration files, ....)
JkScaffoldOptions() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.scaffold.JkScaffoldOptions
JkSigner - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.crypto
Functional interface for signing data.
JkState() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.JkState
JkStreamDecorator<T> - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.function
A generic abstract class that decorates a Stream.
JkStreamDecorator(Stream<T>) - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
JkTestOptions() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkTestOptions
JkTestProcessor - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.testing
Processor executing a given bunch of tests existing in compiled Java classes.
JkTestProcessor.JkEngineBehavior - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.testing
JkTestProcessor.JkProgressStyle - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.testing
Style of progress mark to display on console while the tests are running.
JkTestResult - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.testing
JkTestResult.JkCount - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.testing
JkTestResult.JkFailure - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.testing
JkTestResult.JkTestIdentifier - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.testing
JkTestResult.JkTestIdentifier.JkType - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.testing
JkTestSelection - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.testing
Mutable object to specify a set of test to run according class root dirs, file patterns and tags.
JkTransitivity - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
In Maven repositories, modules are published along a pom.xml metadata containing the transitive dependencies of the module.
JkTransitivityDependency - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
JkUnaryOperator<T> - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.function
A serializable UnaryOperator
JkUrlClassLoader - Class in
Wrapper around URLClassLoader offering convenient methods and fluent interface to deal with URLClassLoader.
JkUrlFileProxy - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.file
JkUtilsAssert - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
Utility class for dealing with assertions.
JkUtilsAssert() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsAssert
JkUtilsIO - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
Utility class for dealing with Inputs/Outputs.
JkUtilsIO.JkStreamGobbler - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
Runs a thread copying all data from the specified input stream to specified output streams.
JkUtilsIterable - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
Utility class for dealing with Iterable.
JkUtilsIterable() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
JkUtilsJdk - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
Convenient methods to deal with running JDK.
JkUtilsNet - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
JkUtilsNet() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsNet
JkUtilsNet.BasicHttpResponse - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
JkUtilsObject - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
Utility class for dealing with generic Object class instances.
JkUtilsObject() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsObject
JkUtilsPath - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
Utility class providing convenient methods to deal with Path.
JkUtilsPath.JkZipRoot - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
A container object representing both a zip file and its content.
JkUtilsReflect - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
Utility class for dealing with reflection
JkUtilsReflect() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
JkUtilsReflect.ReflectionInvocationHandler - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
Proxy Invocation handler, that delegate to target instance via reflection
JkUtilsString - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
Utility class for dealing with strings.
JkUtilsString() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
JkUtilsSystem - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
Utility class to deal with the underlying ofSystem.
JkUtilsSystem.Processor - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
JkUtilsSystem.Processor.Arch - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
The JkUtilsSystem.Processor.Arch enum defines the architecture of a microprocessor.
JkUtilsSystem.Processor.Type - Enum in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
The JkUtilsSystem.Processor.Type enum defines types of a microprocessor.
JkUtilsThrowable - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
Utility class to deal with Throwable
JkUtilsThrowable.ThrowingConsumer<T,E extends java.lang.Throwable> - Interface in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
JkUtilsTime - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
Utility class to deal with time.
JkUtilsXml - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
Utilities methods to ease XML api of the JDK
JkUtilsZip - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.utils
Low level utility method to deal with zip files.
JkVersion - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Used to specify a module version.
JkVersionFromGit - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git
Version calculator from git info.
JkVersionProvider - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement
Association between getModuleIds and version.
JkZipTree - Class in dev.jeka.core.api.file
A JkPathTree for zip path tree located in a zip file.
JODA_TIME - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
join() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO.JkStreamGobbler
join(Thread) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem
jreContainer - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.EclipseKBean
If not null, this value will be used as the JRE container path when generating .classpath file.
JUNIT - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JUNIT_5 - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
JUNIT_5_PLATFORM_LAUNCHER - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
jvmBaseImage - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
jvmImageName - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
jvmNonRootUser - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
jvmOptions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
jvmOptions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkRunOptions
jvmOptions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkTestOptions
Argument passed to the JVM if tests are withForking.
jvmOptions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean


kbean(Class<T>, String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkInit
Runs JeKA and returns a usable JkRunbase and returns a kbean instance of the specified class.
kbean(Class<T>, String[], String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkInit
Similar to JkInit.kbean(Class, String...) but this the possibility to add conveniently extra args in addition to the ones supplied by Main method.
KBean - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool
Base class for KBean.
KBean() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.KBean
Use KBean.init() instead!
KBEAN_DEFAULT_PROP - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkConstants
kbeanNameMatches(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkExternalToolApi
Checks if the specified className matches the given candidate name.
kind - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean.BaseScaffoldOptions
KOTLIN_COMPILER_COORDINATES - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
KOTLIN_SOURCE_MATCHER - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
KOTLIN_VERSION_OPTION - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler


LAST_LTS - Static variable in class
Last LTS version at the time of releasing this JeKa version.
lastAndIf(boolean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet.Hint
lastCommitMessages() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.git.GitKBean
lastJekaVersion() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
Returns the last version of the Jeka module.
lastTag() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.git.GitKBean
lastUpdateTimestamp() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenMetadata
launch(JkTestProcessor.JkEngineBehavior, JkTestSelection) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkInternalJunitDoer
launch(JkTestSelection) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor
Launches the specified test set with the underlying junit-platform.
launch() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor
Launches the default test selection using the underlying JUnit Platform setup.
layout - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
layout - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
Options for configuring directory layout.
licenses - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean.JkPomMetadata
limit(long) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
lines(Path, Charset) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
list() - Method in class
listDirectChildren(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
listOf(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
Returns a list form the specified Iterable.
listOf(T...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
listOf1orMore(T, T...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
listOf2orMore(T, T, T...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
listWithoutDuplicateOf(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
Returns a duplicate free list of the given items
load(String) - Method in class
Delegates the call to ClassLoader.loadClass(String) of this wrapped class loader.
The specified class is supposed to be defined in this class loader, otherwise an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
load(Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkImportedKBeans
Loads and returns the KBeans of the specified type from the imported runbases.
load(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase
Instantiates the specified KBean into the current runbase, if it is not already present.
load(Class<T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.KBean
loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in class
loadClassesHavingSimpleName(String) - Method in interface
loadClassesHavingSimpleNameMatching(Predicate<String>) - Method in interface
loadFirstFoundClassHavingNameOrSimpleName(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface
loadFromClass(Class<?>) - Method in class
Loads the manifest from the jar or the base class directory the specified class belongs to.
loadFromFile(Path) - Method in class
Loads the manifest file from the specified path and set it as the underlying manifest.
loadFromInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class
Loads the manifest from the specified input stream and set it as the underlying manifest.
loadFromJar(Path) - Method in class
loadIfExist(String) - Method in class
Loads the class having the specified name or return null if no such class is defined in this classloader.
LOG4J - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
LOGBACK_CLASSIC - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
LOGBACK_CORE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
login(String, String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDocker
Login to a Docker registry using the specified credentials.
loginDockerHub(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDocker
LOMBOK - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
LUCENE_API_STANDARD_PATH - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateSearch
Nexus repositories generally provide a rest API for querying in lucene style.


MAIN - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate.JkArtifactSpecification
Stands for the main artifact
main(String[]) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor
Non-public API.
Main - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool
Main() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.Main
MAIN_ARTIFACT_CLASSIFIER - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactId
MAIN_JAR_ARTIFACT_ID - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactId
mainClass - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkPackOptions
make(Iterable<Path>, JkPathTreeSet, Path) - Method in class
Actually processes and creates the javadoc files.
make() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Creates the underlying element and its non-existing parents.
make(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation
Generates a native image at the specified file location.
makeFatJar(Path, Iterable<Path>, PathMatcher) - Method in class
Creates a fat jar file according specified parameters.
makeFatJar(Iterable<Path>, Path) - Static method in class
makeJar(Path) - Method in class
Creates a jar file including extra files and manifest.
makeShadeJar(Path, Iterable<Path>, Path) - Static method in class
makeShadeJar(JkRepoSet, Path, Iterable<Path>, Path) - Static method in class
MANIFEST_BREAKING_CHANGE_URL_ENTRY - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkJekaVersionRanges
When publishing a plugin, authors can not guess which future version of Jeka will break compatibility.
MANIFEST_LOWEST_JEKA_COMPATIBLE_VERSION_ENTRY - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkJekaVersionRanges
Manifest entry containing the lowest Jeka version which is compatible with a plugin.
manifestCustomizer - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Consumer container for customizing the manifest that will bbe included in constructed Jar files.
manifestCustomizer(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkJekaVersionRanges
Sets the custom compatibility range for a JkManifest object.
manifestCustomizers - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
map(Function<? super T, ? extends R>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
mapOf(T, U, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
Creates a map of specified key/value.
mapOfAny(Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
Creates a map of specified key/value.
mapToDouble(ToDoubleFunction<? super T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
mapToInt(ToIntFunction<? super T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
mapToLong(ToLongFunction<? super T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
MASTER_TARGET_CONF - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
matches(JkDependency) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
matches(JkDependency) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependency
Returns true if the specified dependency matches with this one.
matches(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathMatcher
MAVEN_CENTRAL_ALIAS - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoProperties
MAVEN_CENTRAL_URL - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
URL of the Maven central repository.
MAVEN_INCLUDE_PATTERN - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
MAVEN_OSSRH_DEPLOY_RELEASE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
URL of the OSSRH repository for deploying released artifacts.
MAVEN_OSSRH_DOWNLOAD_AND_DEPLOY_SNAPSHOT - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
URL of the OSSRH repository for both deploying snapshot and download artifacts.
MAVEN_OSSRH_DOWNLOAD_RELEASE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
URL for the OSSRH repository for downloading released artifacts.
MAVEN_OSSRH_PUBLIC_DOWNLOAD_RELEASE_AND_SNAPSHOT - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
URL of the OSSRH repository for downloading both snapshot and released artifacts.
MavenJarShader - Class in
MavenKBean - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven
MavenKBean() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean
MavenKBean.JkPomMetadata - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven
MavenKBean.JkPublicationOptions - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven
MavenKBean.PredefinedRepo - Enum in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven
MavenShaderClassLoader() - Constructor for class
max(Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
md5() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Computes the MD5 hash of the current instance and returns it as a string.
MdContent(String, String) - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription.MdContent
merge(JkDependencySet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
merge(Manifest) - Method in class
Adds attributes of the specified manifest to this one.
mergeDuplicateRoots() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Merges trees having same root by comparing their respective matcher.
mergeLocalProjectExportedDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
metadata - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean.JkPublicationOptions
metadataRepoVersion - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.nativ.NativeKBean
methodsHavingName(Class, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
methodWithSameNameAndArgType(Method, Class<?>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Returns a method from the target class that has the same name and same argument types then the specified one.
METRICS_ANNOTATION - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
METRICS_CORE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
METRICS_JVM - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
migrateDeps() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean
min(Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
minJavaVersion() - Method in class
Returns the minimum version of Java suitable for compiling, according source, target and release options.
minus(List<JkDependency>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
minus(JkDependency) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
minus(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
minus(JkModuleId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
minus(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
minusFile(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkFileSystemDependency
minusModuleDependenciesHavingIdeProjectDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
mixSourcesAndResources - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkLayoutOptions
MOCKITO_ALL - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
MOCKITO_CORE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
modify(Function<JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetModifier
Modifies the JkDependencySet using the provided modifier function.
moduleId - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
moduleId - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
modulesXml() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.IntellijKBean
Generate modules.xml files
move(String, JkDependencySet.Hint) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetModifier
Moves a dependency within the JkDependencySetModifier,.
move(Path, CopyOption...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Moves this file to the specified file location
move(Path, Path, StandardCopyOption...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
moveCursorBefore(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild.DockerfileTemplate
Positions the cursor just before the first build step that begins with the specified prefix.
moveCursorBeforeUserNonRoot() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild.DockerfileTemplate
Moves the cursor just before ${switchNonRootUser} token.
moveCursorNext() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild.DockerfileTemplate
moveDir(Path, Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
Move directory along all its children and subdirectories recursively
moveLatest() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.git.GitKBean
mvn() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkMavenProject
Returns a new instance of JkMvn to perform Maven commands on this project.
MX4J - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
MYSQL_CONNECTOR - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs


name - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication.JkIvyPublishedArtifact
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.setup.SetupKBean
name - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription.BeanMethod
nativeBaseImage - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
nativeImageName - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
NativeKBean - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.nativ
NativeKBean() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.nativ.NativeKBean
nativeNonRootUser - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
negate() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathMatcher
nestedContains(Throwable, Class<Exception>, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsThrowable
Returns true if the specified throwable has the specified cause exception class along the specified message in its chain.
newDirectoryStream(Path, DirectoryStream.Filter<Path>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
newInputStream(Path, OpenOption...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
newInstance(Supplier<Path>, JkPathMatcher) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
newInstance(Supplier<Path>, JkPathMatcher) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTree
newInstance(Supplier<Path>, JkPathMatcher) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkZipTree
newInstance(Class<T>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Instantiates the given class.
newInstance(Class<T>, Class<?>, Object) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Instantiates the given class using a constructor with specified single argument.
newStreamGobbler(Process, InputStream, OutputStream...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Returns a thread that write each data read to the specified inputStream to the specified output getOutputStream.
NONE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet.Hint
NONE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkTransitivity
Dependency will be fetched without any transitive dependencies
noneMatch(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
nopOutputStream() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Creates a no-op outputStream.
nopPrintStream() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Creates a no-op print getOutputStream.
normalised(JkCoordinate.ConflictStrategy) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Removes duplicates and select a version according the specified strategy in case of duplicate with distinct versions.
normalised() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
normalized() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
now() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsTime
Returns the current ofSystem date
now(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsTime
Returns the current ofSystem date as string with the specified format
nowUtc(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsTime
Returns the current ofSystem date as string with the specified format
nullToEmpty(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Converts a null string to an empty string.


of(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkGpgVerifier
Creates a new instance of JkGpg with the specified public ring.
of(JkProperties) - Static method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkInternalGpgDoer
of(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactId
Creates an artifact id with the specified classifier and extension.
of(Supplier<Path>, Supplier<String>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactLocator
Creates a new JkArtifactLocator with the provided output directory supplier and base name supplier.
of(Path, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactLocator
Creates a new JkArtifactLocator with the provided output directory and artifact base name.
of(JkProcess, Path...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkComputedDependency
Creates a computed dependency to the specified files and JkProcess to run for generating them.
of(Runnable, Path...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkComputedDependency
Creates a computed dependency to the specified files and the specified Runnable to run for generating them.
of(Iterable<Path>, JkJavaProcess) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkComputedDependency
Same as JkComputedDependency.of(Path, JkJavaProcess) but you must specify a set of files instead of a single one.
of(Path, JkJavaProcess) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkComputedDependency
Creates a computed dependency to the specified file and the specified java program to run for generating them.
of(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate.JkArtifactSpecification
of(JkModuleId) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
Creates a JkCoordinate to the specified getModuleId with unspecified version
of(JkModuleId, JkVersion) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
Creates a JkCoordinate to the specified getModuleId and JkVersion.
of(JkModuleId, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
Creates a JkCoordinate of the specified moduleId and version range.
of(String, String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
Creates a JkCoordinate to its group, name and version range.
of(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
Creates a new JkCoordinate from the given string representation of a dependency coordinate.
of(JkCoordinate) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
Creates a JkCoordinateDependency to the specified JkCoordinate
of(JkModuleId) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
of(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
of(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
of(JkRepoSet, JkCoordinate) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateFileProxy
of(JkRepoSet, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateFileProxy
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateSearch
of(JkRepo) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateSearch
of(String) - Static method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependency
Returns either a JkCoordinateDependency or a JkFileSystemDependency depending on the specified parameter stands for a path or a coordinate.
of(Path, String) - Static method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependency
Same as JkDependency.of(String) but resolve relative paths against the specified base directory.
of(JkModuleId) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencyExclusion
Creates an exclusion of the specified module.
of(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencyExclusion
Creates an exclusion of the specified module.
of(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencyExclusion
Creates an exclusion of the specified module.
of(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
of(List<? extends JkDependency>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Creates a JkDependencySet to the specified scoped dependencies.
of(JkDependency) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
of(JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetMerge
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetModifier
Returns a new instance of JkDependencySetModifier.
of(Iterable<Path>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkFileSystemDependency
Creates a JkFileSystemDependency on the specified files.
of(Runnable, Path, Path, JkDependencySet) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkLocalProjectDependency
Constructs a JkLocalProjectDependency from an artifact producer and the artifact file id one is interested on.
of(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkModuleId
Creates a module id according the specified group and name.
of(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkModuleId
Creates a module id according a string supposed to be formatted as or group: name.
of(String, JkDependency) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependency
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Creates a new empty instance of JkQualifiedDependencySet.
of(List<JkQualifiedDependency>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Creates a new JkQualifiedDependencySet based on the provided list of JkQualifiedDependencies.
of(JkDependencySet) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Creates a new JkQualifiedDependencySet based on the provided JkDependencySet.
of(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkRepoCredentials
of(String, String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkRepoCredentials
of(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
Creates a repository having the specified url.
of(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
Creates a Maven repository having the specified file location.
of(JkProperties) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoProperties
Creates a new JkRepoProperties object from the specified JkProperties.
of(Iterable<JkRepo>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoSet
Creates a repository set from the specified configurations.
of(JkRepo, JkRepo...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoSet
Creates a repository set from the specified configurations.
of(String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoSet
Crates a JkRepoSet from the specified JkRepos
of(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
Creates a JkVersion with the specified value.
of(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
of(JkModuleId, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
of(JkModuleId, JkVersion) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
Creates a JkVersionProvider holding a single version providing.
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
Creates an empty version provider.
of(Iterable<JkCoordinate>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
Creates a version provider from the specified versioned modules.
of(JkArtifactLocator) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkArtifactPublisher
of(JkRepoSet, Path) - Static method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkInternalPublisher
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Creates a JkIvyPublication.
of(JkCoordinate, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenMetadata
of(JkModuleId) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenMetadata
of(InputStream) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenMetadata
of(JkArtifactLocator) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Creates a JkMavenPublication with the specified artifact locator.
of(JkBuildable) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Creates a JkMavenPublication for a given buildable object, configuring it based on the specified buildable's properties such as artifacts, module information, version, dependencies, and repositories.
of(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata.JkLicenseInfo
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
Creates an empty publication info.
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Creates an empty (without repo) dependency resolver fetching module dependencies.
of(JkRepoSet) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Creates a JkDependencyResolver using the specified JkRepoSet.
of(JkRepo) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Creates a JkDependencyResolver using the specified JkRepo.
of(JkRepoSet) - Static method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkInternalDependencyResolver
of(JkModuleId, String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkModuleDepProblem
of(JkCoordinate, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkModuleDepProblem
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolutionParameters
of(Set<String>, JkFileDependency) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkFileNodeInfo
of(JkModuleId, JkVersion, Set<String>, Set<String>, JkVersion, List<Path>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkModuleNodeInfo
of(JkResolvedDependencyNode, JkResolveResult.JkErrorReport) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolveResult
Creates a dependency resolve result object form a list of module dependency files and a list of resolved versions.
of(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Creates a JkAbstractPathTree having the specified root directory.
of(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
of(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Creates a JkPathFile instance from the specified path.
of(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
of(URL) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
of(PathMatcher) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathMatcher
Creates an instance from a PathMatcher instance.
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathMatcher
A matcher accepting all entries.
of(boolean, FileSystem, String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathMatcher
of(String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathMatcher
Shorthand for of(true, patterns).
of(boolean, String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathMatcher
of(boolean, FileSystem, Iterable<String>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathMatcher
A matcher accepting/refusing if path matches at least one of the specified glob patterns within specified file system.
of(Iterable<Path>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
Creates a JkPathSequence from an Iterable of paths or a single Path.
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
of(Path, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
Creates a JkPathSequence from a base directory and string of relative paths separated with a ";".
of(Path, Path, Path...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
Creates a JkPathSequence form specified entries
of(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTree
Creates a JkPathTree having the specified root directory.
of(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTree
Same as {@link #of(Path) but speciying the root dir with a String.
of(Iterable<JkPathTree>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Creates a JkPathTreeSet from an iterable of JkPathTree.
of(JkPathTree...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Creates a JkPathTreeSet to an array of JkPathTree.
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkResourceProcessor
Creates an empty resource processor
of(String, Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkUrlFileProxy
of(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkUrlFileProxy
of(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkZipTree
Creates a path tree from a zip file.
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkConsumers
Creates a JkConsumers delegating to the single specified Consumer.
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkRunnables
Creates a JkRunnables delegating to a no-op runnable.
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.j2e.JkJ2eWarArchiver
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.j2e.JkJ2eWarProjectAdapter
of(ClassLoader) - Static method in class
of(URL[], ClassLoader) - Static method in class
of(Iterable<Path>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class
of(Iterable<Path>) - Static method in class
of() - Static method in interface
of(JkRepoSet) - Static method in interface
of(JkPathTreeSet) - Static method in class
of(JkPathTree) - Static method in class
of(Path) - Static method in class
of(Path) - Static method in class
Create a new JkJarWriter instance.
of() - Static method in class
of() - Static method in class
Creates a JkJavaCompilerToolChain without specifying a JavaCompiler instance or an external process.
of() - Static method in class
of() - Static method in class
Creates a default JkJavadocProcessor .
of(String) - Static method in class
Creates a Java specification version from the specified name.
of() - Static method in class
Creates an empty JkManifest
of(URLClassLoader) - Static method in class
of(Iterable<Path>) - Static method in class
of(Iterable<Path>, ClassLoader) - Static method in class
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
of(Document) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomDocument
Creates a JkDomDocument wrapping the specified w3c document.
of(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomDocument
Creates a document with a root element of the specified name.
of(Element) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Creates a VElement wrapping the specified element.
of(JkDomElement, Element) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Creates a VElement wrapping the specified parent and element.
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
Creates a default layout respecting Maven standard for sources.
of(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkIdeSupport
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Creates a new project having the current working directory as base dir.
of(boolean) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject.RuntimeDeps
of(JkProject) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
of() - Static method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi
of() - Static method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsiConsole
of(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkConsoleSpinner
of(String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcess
Creates a JkProcess using the specified command and parameters.
of(Path, String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcess
Creates a new JkProcess object using the specified command path and parameters.
of(Supplier<JkPathSequence>, Supplier<Iterable<Path>>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor
of(JkPathSequence, Iterable<Path>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor
of(long, long, long, long, long, long) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkCount
of(JkTestResult.JkTestIdentifier, String, String, StackTraceElement[]) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkFailure
of(JkTestResult.JkTestIdentifier.JkType, String, String, Set<String>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkTestIdentifier
of(long, long, JkTestResult.JkCount, JkTestResult.JkCount, List<JkTestResult.JkFailure>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
Creates an empty testSet The created instance does not include any include filter nor class root dirs so no test will be included out of the box.
of(int, int, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.Jk2ColumnsText
Creates a new instance of Jk2ColumnsText with the given parameters.
of(int, int) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.Jk2ColumnsText
Creates a new instance of Jk2ColumnsText with the given left size and maximum size.
of(int, int, int, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.Jk3ColumnsText
Creates a new instance of Jk2ColumnsText with the given parameters.
of(int, int, int) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.Jk3ColumnsText
Creates a new instance of Jk2ColumnsText with the given left size and maximum size.
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDocker
of(JkDockerBuild, Consumer<String>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerAppTester
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Creates a instannce.
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild
Creates a instannce.
of(JkBuildable) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild
Creates a JkDockerBuild instance for the specified JkProject.
of(JkNativeCompilation) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerNativeBuild
of(JkIdeSupport) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse.JkEclipseClasspathGenerator
of(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Creates a new JkGit instance pointing on the specified working directory.
of(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Creates a new JkGit instance pointing on the specified working directory.
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Creates a new instance of JkGit pointing on the current working directory.
of(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit.Tag
of(Path, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkVersionFromGit
of(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkVersionFromGit
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkVersionFromGit
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleLibraryOrderEntry
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleOrderEntry
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml
of(Path, boolean, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.SourceFolder
of(Path, boolean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.SourceFolder
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
of(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkMavenProject
of(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkMvn
Creates a Maven command wrapper.
of(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkPom
Creates a JkPom jump a POM file, ideally an effective POM file.
of(Path, BaseKBean.BaseScaffoldOptions) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.JkBaseScaffold
Creates an instance initialized with the base directory and scaffold options..
of(BaseKBean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.JkBaseScaffold
Creates an instance of JkBaseScaffold initialized with the given BaseKBean.
of() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.git.JkGitVersioning
of(Class<? extends KBean>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription
ofAsciiKey(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkGpgSigner
Creates a new instance of JkGpgSigner with the specified ascii key and passphrase.
ofBaseDir(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkMiscXml
ofClasspath(List<Path>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation
ofCmdLine(String, String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcess
Creates a new JkProcess object using the specified command line.
ofCommand(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Creates a JkKotlinCompiler based on the specified command.
ofCurrent() - Static method in class
Returns a JkClassLoader wrapping the current thread context classloader.
ofCurrent() - Static method in class
ofCurrent() - Static method in class
Returns a JkUrlClassLoader wrapping the current thread context classloader.
ofDeepest(JkTransitivity, JkTransitivity) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkTransitivity
ofDefaultGnuPg(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkGpgSigner
Creates a JkGpgSigner with default GnuPgp file location.
ofDependencies(List<JkDependency>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Returns a new JkQualifiedDependencySet based on the provided list of JkDependency objects.
ofEmpty() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Creates an empty JkPathTreeSet.
ofFile(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties
Returns an instance of JkProperties by loading properties from the specified file.
ofFileDep(JkFileDependency, Set<String>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
ofGitCmdlineResult(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit.Tag
ofGitHub(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
ofGlobalProperties() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoProperties
Creates a new JkRepoProperties based on global configuration.
ofJava(String) - Static method in class
Creates a process launching the current JDK java command on the specified class.
ofJavaJar(Path, String) - Static method in class
Creates a process launching the current JDK java command to execute the specified jar.
ofJavaJar(Path) - Static method in class
Creates a process launching the current JDK java command to execute the specified jar.
ofJavaNature(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse.JkEclipseProjectGenerator
ofJavaTool(String, String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcess
Defines a JkProcess using the specified tool of the JDK and parameters.
ofJdkHomeProps(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class
ofJvm(JkRepoSet, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Creates a JkKotlinCompiler for JVM with the specified version and fetched from the specified repository .
ofJvm(JkRepoSet) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Creates a JkKotlinCompiler for JVM with the specified by 'jeka.kotlin.version' property and fetched from the specified repository.
ofKotlinHomeCommand(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Creates a JkKotlinCompiler based on the specified command located in `KOTLIN_HOME` directory.
ofLoaderOf(Class<?>) - Static method in class
Returns a JkClassLoader wrapping the class loader having loaded the specified class.
ofLocal() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
Creates a Maven repository for publishing locally under [USER HOME]/.jeka/publish folder.
ofLocal() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoSet
ofLocalIvy() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
Creates an Ivy repository for publishing locally under [USER HOME]/.jeka/publish folder.
ofMainArtifact(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactId
Shorthand for of(MAIN_ARTIFACT_NAME, String).
ofMainEmbeddedLibs(Path...) - Static method in class
ofMainEmbeddedLibs(List<Path>) - Static method in class
ofMap(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties
ofMap(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties
ofMavenCentral() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
Creates the Maven central repository.
ofMavenOssrhDeployRelease(String, String, JkFileSigner) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
Creates an OSSRH repository for deploying released artifacts.
ofMavenOssrhDownloadAndDeploySnapshot(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
Creates an OSSRH repository for both deploying snapshot and download artifacts.
ofMavenOssrhPublicDownload() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
Creates a OSSRH repository for downloading both snapshot and released artifacts.
ofModuleDep(JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkModuleNodeInfo, List<JkResolvedDependencyNode>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
Constructs a node for the specified versioned module having the specified direct flatten.
ofNoDirectory(LinkOption...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathMatcher
A matcher filtering out directories.
ofOssrhSnapshotAndRelease(String, String, JkFileSigner) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoSet
Creates a JkRepoSet for publishing on OSSRH
ofPathString(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
ofPomOnly() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Creates a JkMavenPublication that can contains only a POM, and no artifacts.
ofRoot(JkCoordinate) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkModuleNodeInfo
ofRoots(Path...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Creates a JkPathTreeSet from an array of folder.
ofRoots(String, String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Creates a JkPathTreeSet from an array of folder paths.
ofRoots(List<Path>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Creates a JkPathTreeSet from a JkPathSequence.
ofSecretRing(Path, String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkGpgSigner
Creates a new instance of JkGpgSigner with the specified secret ring, passphrase, and key name.
ofSecretRing(Path, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkGpgSigner
Creates a JkGpgSigner with the specified secret key ring, assuming the secret ring contains a single key.
ofSimpleNature(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse.JkEclipseProjectGenerator
ofSingle(int, int) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.JkColumnText
Creates a new instance with a single column, specified by the minimum and maximum sizes.
ofStandardProject(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkGpgSigner
Creates a JkGpgSigner instance for a standard project.
ofStandardProperties() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkGpgSigner
Creates a new instance of JkGpgSigner with the standard properties.
Use jeka.gpg.secret-key property or JEKA_GPG_SECRET_KEY for passing private ascii key.
ofStandardProperties() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties
Returns an instance of JkProperties from system properties and environment variables, with fallback to if they exist.
ofStandardRepos(JkProperties, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateFileProxy
ofSysPropClassPath() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
Returns the current classpath as given by System.getProperty("java.class.path").
ofSysPropsThenEnv() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties
ofTarget(JkRepoSet, JkKotlinCompiler.Target, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Creates a JkKotlinCompiler of the specified Kotlin version for the specified target platform.
ofTemp(String, String, FileAttribute...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Creates a temp file wrapped by a JkPathFile.
ofWinOrUx(String, String, String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcess
Creates a new JkProcess object with the appropriate command based on the operating system.
onClose(Runnable) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
openHomeDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.setup.SetupKBean
or(PathMatcher) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathMatcher
OS_ARCH - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor
output(OutputStream) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenMetadata
output(Document, OutputStream) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsXml
Prints the specified document in the specified output getOutputStream.
OUTPUT_PATH - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkConstants
Relative path to the project base directory where output files are generated.
outputFile - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
outputStream(File, boolean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Same as FileOutputStream constructor but throwing unchecked exceptions.


pack() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Executes the packing process for this project, which includes compiling, testing, and creating JAR files.
pack() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
pack - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
Options for the packaging tasks (jar creation).
pack() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
packActions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Actions to execute when JkProject.pack() is invoked.
packActions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Actions to execute when BaseKBean.pack() is invoked.
packaging - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Object responsible for creating binary, fat, javadoc and sources jars.
padEnd(String, int, char) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Pads the given string with the specified pad character to ensure it reaches the minimum length.
padStart(String, int, char) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Pads the given string with the specified pad character to ensure it reaches the minimum length.
parallel() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
parameters - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
parse(InputStream, DocumentBuilder) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomDocument
Creates a JkDomDocument by parsing the content of specified input stream.
parse(InputStream) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomDocument
Same as JkDomDocument.parse(InputStream, DocumentBuilder) but using a default DocumentBuilder.
parse(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomDocument
Creates a JkDomDocument from the specified xml file.
parseCommandline(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Parses a command line string and splits it into an array of individual command line arguments.
parseCommandlineAsList(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
PathUrlResolver() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.PathUrlResolver
peek(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
PicocliMainCommand - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool
PicocliMainCommand() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.PicocliMainCommand
pluralize(int, String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns a string containing the quantity and noun.
pluralize(int, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns a string containing the quantity and noun.
pomMetadata - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Represents the Maven metadata for a publication.
postActions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
postActions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Collection of runnables that are executed after publishing to M2 repos.
postActions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectTesting
postActions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor
Collection of Runnables to be executed after the test processor has run.
postCompileActions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
The JkRunnables to be run after compilation.
preActions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
preActions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Collection of runnables that are executed before publishing to M2 repos.
preActions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor
preCompileActions - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
The JkRunnables to run after source and resource generation.
predefinedRepo - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean.JkPublicationOptions
prepareExecJekaInDocker(Path, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDocker
Prepares a JkProcess object to execute Jeka in a Docker container.
prepareExecJekaInDocker(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDocker
prepareRunJar() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
prepareRunJar(JkProject.RuntimeDeps) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Creates JkJavaProcess to execute the jar having the specified artifact name.
prepareRunJar() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Prepares a {@link JkJavaProcess ready to run.
prepareRunMain() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Creates JkProcess to execute the main method for this project.
prepend(Consumer<T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkConsumers
Chains this underlying Consumer with the specified one.
print(OutputStream) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomDocument
Outputs xml in the specified stream.
print(OutputStream, Consumer<DOMConfiguration>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomDocument
Same as JkDomDocument.print(OutputStream) but caller can modify the default XML transformer using the specified Consumer.
printStackTrace(PrintStream, StackTraceElement[], int) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsThrowable
printStackTrace(PrintStream, Throwable, int) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsThrowable
PRIVATE_IN_DEF_MATCHER - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkConstants
Processor(JkUtilsSystem.Processor.Arch, JkUtilsSystem.Processor.Type) - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor
Constructs a JkUtilsSystem.Processor object with the given parameters.
PROCESSOR_OPTS - Static variable in class
PROCESSOR_OPTS - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
programArgs - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
programArgs - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkRunOptions
progress - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkTestOptions
project - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
project - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
PROJECT_LIBS_DIR - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
projectDescription - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean.JkPomMetadata
ProjectKBean - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project
ProjectKBean() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
ProjectKBean.JkCompilationOptions - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project
ProjectKBean.JkLayoutOptions - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project
ProjectKBean.JkPackOptions - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project
Standard options for packaging java projects.
ProjectKBean.JkProjectScaffoldOptions - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project
ProjectKBean.JkPublishOptions - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project
ProjectKBean.JkRunOptions - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project
ProjectKBean.JkTestOptions - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project
Options about tests
projectName - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean.JkPomMetadata
projectScmUrl - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean.JkPomMetadata
projectUrl - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean.JkPomMetadata
PROPERTIES_FILE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkConstants
Relative path to the
propertiesToMap(Properties) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
Creates a Map and populates it with specified properties.
PROVIDED_SCOPE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
publication - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean
publish() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
publish() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Publishes this publication to its defined repositories
publish() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean
publishConfig - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
Configuration specific for repository for which, we want to publish on.
publishIvy(JkCoordinate, List<JkIvyPublication.JkIvyPublishedArtifact>, JkQualifiedDependencySet) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkInternalPublisher
Publishes the specified module to the repository mentioned in the publication.
publishLocal() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
publishLocal() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Publishes this publication on the JeKa local repository
publishLocal() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean
publishLocalM2() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Publishes this publication on the M2 local repository
publishLocalM2() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean
publishMaven(JkCoordinate, JkArtifactPublisher, JkPomMetadata, JkDependencySet, Map<JkModuleId, JkVersion>) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkInternalPublisher
purpose() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
putArtifact(String, Path, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Adds the specified artifact to the publication.
putArtifact(JkArtifactId, Consumer<Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Adds the specified artifact to the publication.
putArtifact(JkArtifactId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Adds the specified artifact to the publication assuming the artifact file will exist when JkMavenPublication.publish() will be invoked.
putArtifactIf(boolean, JkArtifactId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Adds the specified artifact to the publication assuming the artifact file will exist when JkMavenPublication.publish() will be invoked.
putArtifactWithType(String, Path, String, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Adds the specified artifact to the publication.
putMainArtifact(Path, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
putMainArtifactWithType(Path, String, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
putMultiEntry(Map<K, V>, Iterable<K>, V) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
Convenient method to put several entry in a map having the same value at once.
putOptionalArtifact(Path, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Same as JkIvyPublication.putMainArtifact(Path, String...) (Path, String...) but effective only if the specified file exists.
putOptionalArtifactWithType(Path, String, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Same as JkIvyPublication.putMainArtifact(Path, String...) (Path, String, String...) but effective only if the specified file exists.


qualityChecking - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Object responsible for running quality checkers.


reachabilityMetadata - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation
ReachabilityMetadata() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation.ReachabilityMetadata
read(InputStream) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Equivalent to but throwing only unchecked exceptions.
read(URL) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Returns the content of the given url as a string.
readableCommandAgs(String, List<String>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns a readable representation of command line arguments.
readAllBytes(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
Delegates to Files.readAllBytes(Path) (Path)
readAllLines(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
Delegates to Files.readAllLines(Path)
readAsLines() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Returns the content of this file as a List of strings, where each element represents a line in the file.
readAsLines(InputStream) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Returns the content of the specified input getOutputStream, line by line.
readAsString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Returns the content of this file as a String encoded in UTF-8
readAsString(InputStream) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Returns the content of the given input getOutputStream as a single string.
readDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkMavenProject
Returns the dependencies of this Maven project
readFrom(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
Reads the contents of a file at the given path and returns a JkPathSequence object representing the paths extracted from the file contents.
readFromQuietly(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
Same as JkPathSequence.readFrom(java.nio.file.Path) but returns an empty {@link JkPathSequence if the file does not exist.
readPropertyFile(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
Returns the content of the specified property file as a Properties object.
readResource(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
Returns the content of a resource file as a string.
readStringSafelyFrom(Path, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
readStringsFrom(Path, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
reAttemptDelay - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkApplicationTester
redirect(PrintStream, PrintStream) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
redirectErrorStream(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Same as ProcessBuilder.redirectErrorStream(boolean).
reduce(T, BinaryOperator<T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
reduce(BinaryOperator<T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
reduce(U, BiFunction<U, ? super T, U>, BinaryOperator<U>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
REFLECT - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
ReflectionInvocationHandler(Object) - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect.ReflectionInvocationHandler
register(Path, WatchService, WatchEvent.Kind<?>...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
registerCLeanAction(String, Runnable) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase
Register extra file-system clean action to run when --clean option is specified.
relativePath - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold.JkFileEntry
relativizeFromDirIfAbsolute(Path, Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
Returns the relative path to working dir of the specified path.
relativizeFromRoot() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree.JkPathTreeStream
Transforms to path relative o to the JkPathTree root dir.
relativizeFromWorkingDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
Returns an identical path sequence but replacing relative paths with absolute paths resolved from the specified base directory.
relativizeFromWorkingDir(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
Returns the relative path to working dir of the specified path.
RELEASE_OPTS - Static variable in class
remove(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetModifier
Removes a dependency from the JkDependencySetModifier.
remove(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetModifier
Removes a file-based dependency from the JkDependencySetModifier.
remove(JkDependency) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Removes the specified JkDependency from the JkQualifiedDependencySet.
remove(JkQualifiedDependency) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Removes the specified JkQualifiedDependency from the JkQualifiedDependencySet.
remove(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Removes the specified dependency from the JkQualifiedDependencySet.
remove(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkRunnables
Removes the runnable having the specified name, from the execution list.
remove() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Removes the underlying element from its parent children.
remove() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild.DockerfileTemplate
Removes the build step currently at cursor position.
removeAll() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySetModifier
Removes all dependencies from the JkDependencySetModifier.
removeAllTestIncludePatterns() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Removes all test include patterns, effectively clearing any previously set test class inclusion filters.
removeArtifact(JkArtifactId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Removes the specified artifact from this publication.
removeAttr(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Removes the specified attribute of the specified name from the underlying element.
removeFileEntriesStartingWith(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
Removes the file entries that start with the specified path prefix.
removeFileEntry(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
Removes a file entry from the list of file entries.
removePackagePrefix(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Removes the package prefix from a fully qualified name, leaving only the last class name and the subsequent part (e.g., method name or variable).
removeParam(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Removes specified parameter to the command line
render(String) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi
render(JkDockerBuild) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild.DockerfileTemplate
Renders the Dockerfile template, with tokens still present.
renderDockerfile() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Render the final Dockerfile.
renderInfo() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Renders a human-readable string representation of the information used to build the image.
renderInfo() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild
Returns a formatted string that contains information about this Docker build.
repeat(String, int) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns a string made of the specified pattern repeat the specified count.
replaceLibByModule(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Component
Replaces the specified library with the specified module.
replaceLibByModule(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.IntellijKBean
Replaces the specified library with the specified module.
replaceOrAppend(String, Runnable) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkRunnables
Replaces the specified Runnable with the same name in the execution chain, or appends it if not found.
replaceOrInsertBefore(String, String, Runnable) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkRunnables
Replaces a Runnable with the same name in the execution chain if exists, otherwise inserts it before a specified runnable.
replaceQualifier(JkDependency, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Replaces the qualifier of the specified dependency in the JkQualifiedDependencySet.
replaceQualifier(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Replaces the qualifier of the specified dependency in the JkQualifiedDependencySet.
repo - Variable in class
repos - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild
reset() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi
resolve(JkCoordinateDependency) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Resolves the specified JkCoordinateDependency by calling the resolve method with it, using the default resolution parameters of this dependency resolver.
resolve(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Resolves the specified dependency by converting it to JkCoordinateDependency and calling the resolve method with it.
resolve(JkCoordinateDependency, JkResolutionParameters) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Resolves the specified coordinate dependency using the given resolution parameters.
resolve(JkDependencySet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Resolves the specified dependencies and returns the resolve result with default params.
resolve(JkDependencySet, JkResolutionParameters) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Resolves the specified dependencies with specified resolution params.
resolve(JkQualifiedDependencySet, JkResolutionParameters) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Resolves the specified qualified dependencies.
resolve(JkCoordinate, JkDependencySet, JkResolutionParameters) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkInternalDependencyResolver
resolve(JkCoordinate, JkQualifiedDependencySet, JkResolutionParameters) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkInternalDependencyResolver
resolveClassDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
Returns the class dir directory resolved against the current base dir.
resolveConflict(JkVersion, JkCoordinate.ConflictStrategy) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
resolveDependenciesAsFiles() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
resolvedTo(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Assuming the root folder is relative, this creates an identical JkAbstractPathTree but having the root as : [specified new root]/[former root]
resolvedTo(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
Returns an identical path sequence but replacing relative paths with absolute paths resolved from the specified base directory.
resolvedTo(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
resolveFiles(JkQualifiedDependencySet, JkResolutionParameters) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Resolves the specified qualified dependencies and returns a sequence of resolved files.
resolveFiles(JkDependencySet, JkResolutionParameters) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Resolves the specified qualified dependencies and returns a sequence of resolved files.
resolveFiles(JkDependencySet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Resolves the specified dependencies and returns a sequence of resolved files.
resolveFiles(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Resolves the specified coordinate and returns a sequence of resolved files.
resolveGeneratedResourceDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
Returns location of generated resources.
resolveGeneratedSourceDir() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
Returns location of generated sources.
resolveJvmImageName() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
Returns the resolved name of the built JVM image, substituting placeholders and falling back to a default if no name is explicitly defined.
resolveNativeImageName() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.docker.DockerKBean
Returns the resolved name of the built native image, substituting placeholders and falling back to a default if no name is explicitly defined.
resolveResources() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
resolveRuntimeDependencies() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
resolveRuntimeDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Returns the resolved (and cached) dependencies needed at runtime.
resolveRuntimeDependenciesAsFiles() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Retrieves the runtime dependencies as a sequence of files.
resolveSources() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
resourceProcessor - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
RESOURCES_PROCESS_ACTION - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
restore() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.JkState
restoreToInitialState() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
Let JkLog returns to its initial state, meaning events are not output and System.out/err are back to the state found when this class was loaded.
root() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomDocument
Returns the root element of this document.
rootSupplier - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
rows - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.Jk2ColumnsText
rows - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.Jk3ColumnsText
run() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkRunnables
Executes the Runnables, in the order of the execution chain.
run() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject.JkRunnableContainer
Executes all registered runners for this project in the order of their execution chain.
run() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
Performs entire compilation phase.
run() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectTesting
Performs entire test phase, including : compile regular code if needed perform pre test tasks if present compile test code and process test resources execute compiled tests execute post tesks if present
run() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
run() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
Runs the scaffolding, meaning folder structure, build class, props file and .gitignore
run() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
run(Runnable) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkConsoleSpinner
run() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkApplicationTester
Deploy application environment, run tests and un-deploy the application gracefully.
run() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.JkBaseScaffold
run - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
Options for run tasks
runbase(boolean, String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkInit
Run JeKA and returns a usable JkRunbase from where we can instantiate KBean programmatically.
runIfNeeded() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
As #run but perform only if not already done.
runIfNeeded() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectTesting
As #run, but performs only if not already done.
runJar() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
runJar() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
runMain() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
runMain() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
runnable - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkComputedDependency
runningMajorVersion() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsJdk
RUNTIME - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkTransitivity
Dependency will be fetched along transitive dependencies declared as 'runtime' or 'compile'
runtime - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade.JkDependencyFacade
RUNTIME_SCOPE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
RUNTIME_TARGET_CONF - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
runtimeDependencies - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
runtimeDeps - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold


save(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomDocument
Saves this document in the specified file.
save() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.JkState
scaffold() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
scaffold - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
Options for configuring scaffold.
scaffold() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
SCRIPT_CLASS_PATH - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.JkBaseScaffold
search() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateSearch
search(String, String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Searches for dependencies based on the specified criteria.
search(String, String, String) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkInternalDependencyResolver
searchGroups() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Returns an alphabetical sorted list of groupId present in these repositories
searchGroups() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkInternalDependencyResolver
searchModuleIds(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Returns an alphabetical sorted list of module ids present in these repositories for the specified groupId.
searchModules(String) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkInternalDependencyResolver
searchVersions(JkModuleId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Returns an alphabetical sorted list of version present in these repositories for the specified moduleId.
searchVersions(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Returns an alphabetical sorted list of version present in these repositories for the specified moduleId.
searchVersions(JkModuleId) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkInternalDependencyResolver
SELENIUM_JAVA - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
sendHttpRequest(String, String, Map<String, String>, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsNet
Sends an HTTP request to the specified URL using the specified method and parameters.
sendHttpRequest(String, String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsNet
SENSITIVE_KEY_PATTERN - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties
A predicate used to determine if a given string is a sensitive key.
sequential() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
serialize(Object, Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Serializes a given Java object to the specified file.
serialize(Object, OutputStream) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
Serializes a given Java object to the specified output getOutputStream.
set(Manifest) - Method in class
Set the underlying Manifest with the specified one.
setAcceptAnimation(boolean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
setAccessibleIfNeeded(Field) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Sets the specified field to accessible if not already done.
setAddUserStatement(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Sets the Docker statement for adding a 'nonroot' user.
The placeholders "${UID}" and "${GID}" will be replaced with the user ID and group ID configured for this instance, respectively.
setAddUserStatement(JkDockerBuild.AddUserStatement) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
setAdjustLeft(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.Jk2ColumnsText
Sets the adjustLeft flag.
setAdjustLeft(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.Jk3ColumnsText
Sets the adjustLeft flag.
setAlternativeMassage(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkConsoleSpinner
setAnnotationProcessingOnly() - Method in class
Only process annotation.
setAnnotationProcessingOnly() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
Only process annotation.
setAnnotationProcessors(String...) - Method in class
Sets specified annotation classes instead of using the ones discovered by default Java 6 mechanism.
setAnnotationProcessors(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
Sets specified annotation classes instead of using the ones discovered by default Java 6 mechanism.
setAotAssetDirs(Supplier<List<Path>>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.nativ.NativeKBean
Sets the directories containing ahead-of-time compilation assets for the native image.
setApiUrl(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateSearch
setBaseDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
setBaseDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Sets the base directory for this project.
setBaseDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Sets the base directory for this Project.
setBaseDir(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Sets the base directory for this Project by specifying a String representing the base directory path.
setBaseDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
setBaseDirSupplier(Supplier<Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
setBaseImage(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Sets the base image name to use a s the base image in the docker file.
setBaseUrl(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerAppTester
Sets the base URL for the application.
setBomResolutionRepos(Supplier<JkRepoSet>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Sets the supplier providing the download repositories used to resolve BOMs.
setBomResolutionRepos(Supplier<JkRepoSet>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Sets the supplier providing the download repositories used to resolve BOMs.
setBreakOnFailures(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectTesting
Sets whether the execution of tests should break (throw an IllegalArgumentException) if there are test failures.
setChecksumAlgos(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkPublishConfig
setClassDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.j2e.JkJ2eWarArchiver
setClassDir(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
setClasses(JkPathTree) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild
Sets the compiled Java classes that constitute the Java program to be executed.
setClasses(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleLibraryOrderEntry
setClasspath(Iterable<Path>) - Method in class
Set the compiler classpath with the specified files
setClasspath(Iterable<Path>) - Method in class
Convenient method to set classpath option.
setClasspath(Iterable<Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
Creates a copy of this JkJavaCompilerToolChain but with the specified classpath.
setClasspath(List<Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild
Sets the jar files that constitute the classpath of the program to be executed.
setCollectStderr(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Sets the flag to indicate whether the std err of the process should be collected.
setCollectStdout(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Sets the flag to indicate whether the std out of the process should be collected.
setCompatibilityRange(JkManifest, String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkJekaVersionRanges
Convenient method to set a Jeka Plugin compatibility range with Jeka versions.
setCompileTool(JavaCompiler, String...) - Method in class
Sets underlying java compiler tool to use.
setConflictResolver(JkResolutionParameters.JkConflictResolver) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolutionParameters
setContent(JkIml.Content) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Component
setContextPath(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerAppTester
setCredentials(JkRepo.JkRepoCredentials) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
Sets credentials to access to this repo.
setCredentials(String, String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
setCredentials(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
setDecorator(JkLog.JkLogDecorator) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
By default, events are not consumed, meaning nothing appends when, Object...) (String), JkLog.error(String, Object...) (String)}, JkLog.warn(String, Object...) (String)} or JkLog.verbose(String, Object...) (String)} are invoked.
setDecorator(JkLog.Style) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
This set the default consumer.
setDefaultSigner(JkFileSigner) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Sets the default file signer to use for this publication.
setDefaultSigner(JkFileSigner) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Sets the default file signer to use for this publication.
setDefDependencies(JkDependencyResolver, JkDependencySet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse.JkEclipseClasspathGenerator
If the build script depends on external libraries, you must set the resolver of these dependencies here.
setDependencies(JkQualifiedDependencySet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Sets transitive dependencies for this publication.
setDependencies(JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet, JkCoordinate.ConflictStrategy) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Sets transitive dependencies for this publication.
setDependencies(JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Sets transitive dependencies for this publication.
setDependencies(JkQualifiedDependencySet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkIdeSupport
setDependencies(JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet, JkDependencySet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkIdeSupport
setDependencies(Collection<JkCoordinate>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation.ReachabilityMetadata
setDependencyResolver(JkDependencyResolver) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkIdeSupport
setDestroyAtJvmShutdown(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Sets the flag to destroy the process at JVM shutdown.
setDetectMainClass(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Sets whether to detect the main class when running or building the project.
setDiscoveryConfigurer(JkUnaryOperator<LauncherDiscoveryRequestBuilder>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
Set a native Junit-platform configurer to build the LauncherDiscoveryRequest passed to Junit-platform.
setDisplaySpinner(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Sets whether to display a spinner during the resolution process.
setDownloadMavenRepos(JkRepoSet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild
Sets the Maven repository used for downloading agent jars.
setDownloadRepos(JkRepoSet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation.ReachabilityMetadata
setDownloadSources(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
setDuplicateConflictStrategy(JkCoordinate.ConflictStrategy) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Sets the strategy to use when twi dependencies with distinct versions are declared in the project dependencies.
setEmptyResources() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
setEncoding(String) - Method in class
Creates a copy of this JkJavaCompileSpec but using the specified source encoding (e.g.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
Creates a copy of this JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec but using the specified source encoding (e.g.
setEnv(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Sets the value of the environment variable with the specified name.
setExcludeJekaLib(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
setExcludeOutput(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Component
setExplicitJekaHome(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
setExported(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleLibraryOrderEntry
setExported(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleOrderEntry
setExposedPorts(Integer...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Adds a port to be exposed by the container.
setExtractDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation.ReachabilityMetadata
setExtraStaticResourceDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.j2e.JkJ2eWarArchiver
setExtraStaticResourcePath(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.j2e.JkJ2eWarProjectAdapter
setFailOnDependencyResolutionError(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolutionParameters
If true this object will throw a JkException whenever a dependency resolution occurs.
setFailOnDepsResolutionError(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
setFailOnError(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Sets the flag to indicate whether compilation should fail on error or not.
setFailOnError(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Specifies if the running process should throw an Exception in case process returns with a code different to 0.
setFieldValue(Object, Field, Object) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Sets the specified value for the specified field and object.
setFileSystemCacheDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Sets the file system cache directory for this dependency resolver.
setForkCompiler(boolean) - Method in class
Configures whether the Java compilation process should be forked into an external process.
setForkingProcess(JkJavaProcess) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor
setForkingProcess(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor
setGeneratedResourceDir(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
setGeneratedSourceDir(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
setGeneratedSourceDirs(List<Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkIdeSupport
setGenerateExploded(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.j2e.JkJ2eWarProjectAdapter
setGenerateLibsFolders(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
setGroupId(int) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Sets the group ID for the 'nonroot' user.
setGroupOrNameCriteria(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateSearch
Sets the group or name criteria for the search.
setHttpHeaders(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
setHttpHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
setIdeSupport(Supplier<JkIdeSupport>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
setIdeSupport(JkIdeSupport) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
setImageName(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerAppTester
setImportedProjects(List<Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse.JkEclipseClasspathGenerator
If the build script depends on build script located in another projects, you must add those projects here.
setIncludeJavadoc(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse.JkEclipseClasspathGenerator
Set if generated .classpath file should contain javadoc link for libraries.
setIncludeJunit(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.JkBaseScaffold
Sets the flag to include Junit dependencies in the scaffold.
setIncludePatterns(Collection<String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
Sets the include patterns for selecting test classes.
setIncludesAllResources(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation
setIncludeTextAndLocalDependencies(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Specifies if the project dependencies should include those mentioned in jeka/project-dependencies.txt flat file.
setInheritIO(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Makes the process use the same streams as its parent.
setInheritSystemProperties(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the process should inherit system properties from the parent process.
setInterpolationCharset(Charset) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkResourceProcessor
Set the charset used for interpolation.
setIsForJekaSrc(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml
setJarMaker(Consumer<Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Sets a Runnable to create the JAR used by JkProject.prepareRunJar(RuntimeDeps)
setJarMaker(Consumer<Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Sets the jarMaker for creating a runnable fat jar.
setJavacProcess(JkProcess) - Method in class
Sets the underlying compiler with the specified process.
setJavadoc(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleLibraryOrderEntry
setJdk(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkMiscXml
Sets the JDK configuration in the `misc.xml` file for an IntelliJ IDEA project.
setJdkHints(JkJavaCompilerToolChain.JkJdks, boolean) - Method in class
Sets the JDK hints to specify the available JDKs and whether to prefer in-process tool for compilation.
setJdkName(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Component
setJekaDistribLocation(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
setJekaDistribRepo(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
setJekaPropsCustomizer(UnaryOperator<String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
Gives a chance to override the final file
setJekaSrcClasspath(JkPathSequence) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
setJekaSrcImportedProjects(JkPathSequence) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
setJekaVersion(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
setJreContainer(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse.JkEclipseClasspathGenerator
Specifies the exact string to use as jre container.
setJunitPlatformVersion(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor
setJvmTargetVersion(JkJavaVersion) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Sets the Java JVM version that will be used to compile sources and generate bytecode.
setJvmTargetVersion(JkJavaVersion) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Sets the Java JVM version that will be used to compile sources and generate bytecode.
setKind(JkProjectScaffold.Kind) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
Sets the template for this scaffold.
setLauncherConfigurer(JkUnaryOperator<LauncherConfig.Builder>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor.JkEngineBehavior
Sets up the Junit-platform native LauncherConfig used to build the Launcher.
setLayoutStyle(JkCompileLayout.Style) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Sets the layout style for the project's compilation layout.
setLegacyReportDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor.JkEngineBehavior
Sets the directory where will be generated the legacy standard XML report.
setLibs(List<Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.j2e.JkJ2eWarArchiver
setLogCommand(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Sets the flag to indicate whether the compiler command should be logged or not.
setLogCommand(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
If true, the command line will be outputed in the console
setLogIvyVerboseMessages(boolean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkInfo
setLogOnlyOnStdErr(boolean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
if true, all log will be printed to stderr instead og stdout.
setLogOutput(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Sets the flag to indicate whether the compiler output should be logged or not.
setLogTasks(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkRunnables
Sets if each runnable execution should be wrapped in a log task.
setLogWithJekaDecorator(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Set if the output streams of the process must be logged keeping the JkLog decorator.
setMainArtifactJarType(JkProjectPackaging.JarType) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Sets if the project should produce regular or fat jar by default.
setMainArtifactJarType(JkProjectPackaging.JarType) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
setMainClass(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Sets the main class name to use in #runXxx and for building docker images.
setMainClass(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Sets the main class name to use in #runXxx and for building docker images.
setMainClass(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild
Specifies the main class to run to execute the Program.
setMainClass(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation
setMainClassFinder(Supplier<String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging
Sets the main class finder for this project.
setMainClassFinder(Supplier<String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Sets the main class finder for this project.
setMarginLeft(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.Jk2ColumnsText
Sets the left margin for displaying the whole result;
setMarginLeft(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.JkColumnText
Sets the left margin to lead the whole result
setMixResourcesAndSources() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
All non .java files located in a source directory will be considered as a resource (copied in classes file)
setMixResourcesAndSources() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
The resources will be located in same the dir than the sources.
setModuleAttributes(String, JkIml.Scope, Boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Component
Sets the scope and exported attribute to the specified module.
setModuleAttributes(String, JkIml.Scope, Boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.IntellijKBean
Sets the scope and exported attribute to the specified module.
setModuleDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml
setModuleHolder(JkCoordinate) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
The underlying dependency manager can cache the resolution on file system for faster result.
setModuleId(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Sets the moduleId (group + artifactName) for this publication.
setModuleId(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Sets the moduleId (group + artifactName) for this publication.
setModuleId(JkModuleId) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Sets the moduleId for this project.
setModuleId(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
setModuleId(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
setModuleId(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Sets the module ID for this object.
setModuleIdSupplier(Supplier<JkModuleId>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Sets the supplier providing the moduleId (group + artifactName) for this publication.
setModuleIdSupplier(Supplier<JkModuleId>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Sets the supplier providing the moduleId (group + artifactName) for this publication.
setModuleName(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleOrderEntry
setNonRootUserCreationMode(JkDockerBuild.NonRootMode) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
setOf(T...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
Creates a set of specified items.
setOf(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
Creates a set of specified items.
setOption(String, String) - Method in class
Some options of a compileRunner are set in a couple of name/value (version, classpath, .....).
setOption(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
Some options of a compileRunner are set in a couple of name/value (version, classpath, .....).
setOutput(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Component
setOutputDir(Path) - Method in class
setOutputDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
setOutputDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
setOutputDir(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Sets the output path dir relative to base dir.
setOutputDirSupplier(Supplier<Path>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
setOutputTest(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Component
setParamAt(int, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Specify the command to execute
setPort(int) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerAppTester
Sets the port for the application to use.
setPosixExecPermissions(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Adds execute permissions on this file.
setPosixExecPermissions() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
setProdLayout(JkCompileLayout) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkIdeSupport
setProgressDisplayer(JkTestProcessor.JkProgressStyle) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor.JkEngineBehavior
Sets the test progress type to display on the console.
setProjectDescription(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
setProjectName(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
setProjectUrl(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
setRawJekaPropsPath(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
Sets the path of a file that will be copied to
setRefreshed(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolutionParameters
setReleaseVersion(String) - Method in class
Sets option -release
setReportDir(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectTesting
Sets the directory path where the test reports are stored.
setRepos(JkRepoSet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Sets the repositories where this publication will be published.
setRepos(JkRepoSet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Sets the repositories where this publication will be published.
setRepos(JkRepoSet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Sets the repositories for the dependency resolver.
setRepos(JkRepoSet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler
Set the repo to fetch stdlib and plugins.
setRepoSetSupplier(Supplier<JkRepoSet>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor
setRepoVersion(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation.ReachabilityMetadata
setResources(JkPathTreeSet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
setRunbaseDependencies(JkDependencySet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
Only needed to download sources declared od jeka-src dependencies
setScmConnection(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
setScmDeveloperConnection(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
setScmUrl(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkPomMetadata
setScope(JkIml.Scope) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleLibraryOrderEntry
setScope(JkIml.Scope) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleOrderEntry
setSeparator(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.JkColumnText
Sets the separator to separate columns.
setShowAppLogs(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerAppTester
Configures whether application logs should be displayed during the testing process.
setShowTaskDuration(boolean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
setSignatureRequired(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkPublishConfig
setSigner(JkFileSigner) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkPublishConfig
setSkipped(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectTesting
Specifies if the tests should be skipped.
setSourceEncoding(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Sets the source encoding of source files.
setSourceEncoding(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Sets the source encoding for the project.
setSourceMavenStyle(JkCompileLayout.Concern) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
Creates a default layout respecting Maven standard for sources.
setSources(Function<JkPathTreeSet, JkPathTreeSet>) - Method in class
Adds specified source files to the set of java sources to compile.
setSources(JkPathTreeSet) - Method in class
setSources(Function<JkPathTreeSet, JkPathTreeSet>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
setSources(JkPathTreeSet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
setSources(JkPathTreeSet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
setSources(JkPathTree) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
setSources(Function<JkPathTreeSet, JkPathTreeSet>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
setSources(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
setSources(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.ModuleLibraryOrderEntry
setSourceSimpleStyle(JkCompileLayout.Concern) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
Sets the simple standard layout on this JkCompileLayout.
setSourceVersion(String) - Method in class
Sets option -source
setSourceVersion(JkJavaVersion) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkIdeSupport
setStandardJREContainer(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.EclipseKBean
Set the JRE container to the Eclipse Standard VM type with the desired name.
setStandardOutputDirs(JkCompileLayout.Concern) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout
setStaticLinkage(JkNativeCompilation.StaticLink) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation
setSuggestedJdk(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.IntellijKBean
Sets the Jdk to be referenced in the generated iml file, if none is specified by IntellijKBean.jdkName.
setTargetVersion(String) - Method in class
Sets option -target
setTargetVersion(JkJavaVersion) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
Sets the target Java version for compiled classes.
setTaskSuffix(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkRunnables
Sets the displayed suffix for the task.
setTestLayout(JkCompileLayout) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkIdeSupport
setTestProgressStyle(JkTestProcessor.JkProgressStyle) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Sets the style for displaying test progress during test execution.
setTestsSkipped(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Sets whether to skip running tests for the project.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateSearch
Sets the timeout for the search operation.
settingsXmlDoc() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkMvn
Returns the XML document representing the Maven settings file, or null if the file does not exist.
setToolChain(JkJavaCompilerToolChain.JkJdks, JkJavaVersion) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor
setUniqueSnapshot(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkPublishConfig
setupEndToEndTest() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Configures the standard end-to-end testing setup for the project.
SetupKBean - Class in dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.setup
SetupKBean() - Constructor for class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.setup.SetupKBean
setUseFileSystemCache(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Sets whether to use a file system cache for this dependency resolver.
setUseInMemoryCache(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
Sets whether to use an in-memory cache for dependency resolution.
setUsePathVariables(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse.JkEclipseClasspathGenerator
If true dependencies path will use JEKA_HOME and JEKA_REPO classpath variable instead of absolute paths.
setUseRepo(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation.ReachabilityMetadata
setUserId(int) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Sets the user ID for the 'nonroot' user.
setUseSimpleStyle(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
setUseVarPath(boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkImlGenerator
setVerbosity(JkLog.Verbosity) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
setVersion(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Sets the version of the artifacts to publish.
setVersion(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Sets the version of the artifacts to publish.
setVersion(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Sets the explicit version of this project.
setVersion(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Sets the version of the project.
setVersion(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkInfo
setVersion(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Sets the version for this BaseKBean.
setVersionFilter(Predicate<JkVersion>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkPublishConfig
setVersionFromGitTag() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
The published version will be computed according the current git tag.
setVersionFromGitTagCommitMessage(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
The published version will be computed according the last Git commit message.
setVersionSupplier(Supplier<JkVersion>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication
Sets the supplier providing the version of the artifacts to publish.
setVersionSupplier(Supplier<JkVersion>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
Sets the supplier providing the version of the artifacts to publish.
setVersionSupplier(Supplier<JkVersion>) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable
setVersionSupplier(Supplier<JkVersion>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Sets the supplier for computing the project version.
setVersionSupplier(Supplier<String>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade
Sets the supplier for computing the project version.
setVersionSupplier(Supplier<JkVersion>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
Sets the version supplier for this BaseKBean.
setWebappDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.j2e.JkJ2eWarArchiver
setWebappPath(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.j2e.JkJ2eWarProjectAdapter
setWorkingDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Sets the specified working directory to launch the process.
setWorkingDir(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
Sets the specified working directory to launch the process.
shade(Path, Set<Path>, Path) - Method in class
shade(Path, Set<Path>, Path) - Method in interface
shadeJarClassifier - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkPackOptions
shortenPackageName(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Shortens a fully qualified package name by abbreviating all segments except the last class name and appends the remaining part after the class, preserving the structure.
sign(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkGpgSigner
sign(InputStream, OutputStream, Path, String, char[]) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkInternalGpgDoer
sign(InputStream, OutputStream, String, char[]) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkInternalGpgDoer
sign(Path, Path) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.JkFileSigner
Signs the specified file and writes the signature to the target signature file.
sign(Path) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.JkFileSigner
Signs the specified file producing a signature file at standard location.
sign(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.JkSigner
Signs the data in the specified input stream and writes the signature to the output stream.
sign(Path, Path) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.JkSigner
SIMPLE_STYLE_PROP - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
size(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
skip(long) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
skip - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkTestOptions
Turn it on to skip tests.
skipJavaCompilation() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectCompilation
sleep(long) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem
SLF4J_API - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
SLF4J_JCL_OVER_SLF4J - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
SLF4J_JDK14_BINDING - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
SLF4J_LOG4J12_BINDING - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
SLF4J_SIMPLE_BINDING - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
SNAPSHOT_SUFIX - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
sorted() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
sorted(Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
SOURCE_OPTS - Static variable in class
SOURCE_OPTS - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
sourceEncoding - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
sources - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkPublishOptions
When true, sources are packed in a jar file.
SOURCES_ARTIFACT_ID - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactId
spliterator() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
splitWhiteSpaces(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Splits the provided string into a list of substrings based on whitespace.
SPRING_AOP - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
SPRING_BEANS - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
SPRING_CONTEXT - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
SPRING_CORE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
SPRING_JDBC - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
SPRING_ORM - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
SPRING_SECURITY_CORE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
SPRING_TX - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
STANDARD_KBEAN_CLASSES - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription
STANDARD_LOCATION - Static variable in class
The path where generally belongs all manifest past (relative to archive root)
start(PrintStream, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkBusyIndicator
startApp() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkApplicationTester
Starts the application and its environment.
startApp() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerAppTester
startsWithAny(String, String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns true if the specified string starts with any of the candidates.
startsWithUpperCase(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Checks if the given string starts with an uppercase letter.
startTask(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
Logs the start of the current task.
startTimeout - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkApplicationTester
state(boolean, String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsAssert
statement - Variable in enum dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild.AddUserStatement
staticLink - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.nativ.NativeKBean
STDLIB - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
STDLIB_COMMON - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
STDLIB_JDK7 - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
STDLIB_JDK8 - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
STDLIB_JS - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
stop() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkBusyIndicator
stop() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO.JkStreamGobbler
Stop the gobbling, meaning stop the thread.
stopForcefully() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkApplicationTester
This method is invoked when, the application did not start until defined timeout.
stopForcefully() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerAppTester
stopGracefully() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkApplicationTester
This method is invoked when tests are terminated, to undeploy the application and its environment.
stopGracefully() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerAppTester
stream(FileVisitOption...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Returns a stream of paths in the directory tree rooted at the specified directory, filtered by the specified options.
streamBreathFirst() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Same as but using a breath-first traversal algorithm.
style - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkLayoutOptions
substringAfterFirst(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns the substring after the first delimiter of the specified occurrence.
substringAfterLast(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns the substring after the last delimiter of the specified occurrence.
substringBeforeFirst(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns the substring before the first delimiter of the specified occurrence.
substringBeforeLast(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns the substring before the last delimiter of the specified occurrence.
SVN_KIT - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkPopularLibs
sync() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.EclipseKBean
sync() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.IntellijKBean
syncAll() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.IntellijKBean
synopsisDetail - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription
synopsisHeader - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription
systemInstall() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsiConsole
systemUninstall() - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsiConsole


tag(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Adds a tag at the HEAD of the current branch.
tagAndPush(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Puts a tag at the HEAD of the current branch and pushes it to the remote repository.
tagPrefix - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.git.JkGitVersioning
tagRemote() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit
Tags the remote repository with a new tag.
tagRemote() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.git.GitKBean
TARGET_OPTS - Static variable in class
TARGET_OPTS - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinJvmCompileSpec
targetKBean - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription.InitMethodInfo
TEST - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
test - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectFlatFacade.JkDependencyFacade
test() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.BaseKBean
test - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
Options for configuring testing tasks.
test() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
TEST_ANNOTATIONS_COMMON - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
TEST_CLASS_PATH - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.JkBaseScaffold
TEST_COMMON - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
TEST_JUNIT - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
TEST_JUNIT5 - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
TEST_SCOPE - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
TEST_TARGET_CONF - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
testDeps - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold
testing - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Object responsible for compiling and running tests.
testProcessor - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectTesting
The processor running the tests.
testSelection - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectTesting
Tests to be run.
text(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Sets the specified text on the underlying element.
text() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Returns the text pof the underlying element.
timestamp - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenMetadata.Versioning.JkSnapshot
toArray() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
toArray(IntFunction<A[]>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
toColonNotation() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkModuleId
A concatenation of the group and name of this module as '[group]:[value]'.
toColonSeparatedPath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
Returns the file names concatenated with ':'
toColumnText(int, int, boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties
Converts the properties to a formatted column text representation.
toCoordinate(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkModuleId
Creates a JkCoordinate from this moduleId with the specified version.
toCoordinate(JkVersion) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkModuleId
Creates a JkCoordinate from this moduleId with the specified version.
toCoordinate() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkModuleId
Creates a JkCoordinate from this moduleId with unspecified version.
toDependency() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Creates a dependency o the regular bin jar created by this project.
toDependency(JkTransitivity) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Creates a dependency o the regular bin jar of this project, with the specified transitivity.
toDependency(Runnable, Path, JkTransitivity) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
Creates a dependency on an artifact created by this project.
toDoc() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml
toDomElement(Document, boolean) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
toDoubleQuotedArgs(String...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
Transform a list as [a,b,c] in a string as "a", "b", "c"
toDoubleQuotedArgs(List<String>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild
toFileName(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactId
Returns the filename of this artifactId, specifying the base filename for computing the final name.
toFiles(Collection<Path>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
toFiles(Path...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
toFlattenList() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
Returns all descendant nodes of this one, deep first.
toHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns the hexadecimal for of the given array of bytes.
toItems() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
toJavaCode(int, List<JkDependency>, boolean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Returns the java codes that declare these dependencies.
toJavaCode(int) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
Returns the java codes that declare these dependencies.
toJkClassLoader() - Method in class
toJkInject(List<String>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.JkBaseScaffold
Converts a list of dependencies into a string representation of JkDep annotations.
toList() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Returns JkPathTree instances constituting this JkPathTreeSet.
toMap() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
toMap() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkConsumers
toMdContent() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription
Generates markdown content describing the bean, including its fields, methods, and initialization details.
toMultiLineString(Iterable<?>, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
toolsJar() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsJdk
Returns the tool library file of the running JDK.
toPath() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
Returns the file names concatenated with ';' on Windows and ':' on unix.
toPathMultiLine(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
toPaths(File...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
toPaths(Iterable<File>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
toPredicate() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathMatcher
Returns this matcher as a Predicate
toReportString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkCount
toResolvedModuleVersions() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Fills the dependencies without specified version with the version supplied by the JkVersionProvider.
toResolvedModuleVersions() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Fills the dependencies without specified version with the version supplied by the JkVersionProvider.
toSet() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
toSet() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
toSet() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTree
Returns a JkPathTreeSet containing this tree as its single element.
toSnapshot() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
toSquareNotation() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactId
Returns a representation of the artifact id in the format "[classifier, extension]".
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactId
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkComputedDependency
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate.JkArtifactSpecification
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencyExclusion
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkFileSystemDependency
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkLocalProjectDependency
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkModuleId
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependency
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo.JkPublishConfig
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepo
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoSet
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkTransitivity
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkDependencyResolver
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkModuleDepProblem
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkFileNodeInfo
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode.JkModuleNodeInfo
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolveResult.JkErrorReport
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree.FileChange
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathMatcher
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkConsumers
toString() - Method in class
toString(int) - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAbstractProcess
toString() - Method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi.Attribute
toString() - Method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi.Color
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkCount
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkFailure
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkTestIdentifier
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestSelection
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.Jk2ColumnsText
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.Jk3ColumnsText
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.text.JkColumnText
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit.Tag
toString(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
Returns a string representation of the specified map constructed as [key0]=[value0], [key1]=[value1], ...
toString(Object) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsObject
Null safe for Object.toString().
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath.JkZipRoot
toString(Object) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsReflect
Returns a string representation of the given object.
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkBeanDescription.MdContent
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.JkRunbase
toString() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.KBean
toStringMultiline(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
toStrings() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
Returns a list of lines standing for the representation of this dependency tree.
toStrings(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
Returns a multi-line string representation of the specified map constructed as [key0]=[value0], [key1]=[value1], ...
toStringTree() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
Returns a complete representation string of the tree.
toTxt(List<JkDependency>, boolean) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
touch() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Updates the last modified time of the underlying file to the current time.
toUri(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
toUrl(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
toUrl(URI) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
toUrl(File) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
Get the url to the specified file.
toUrl(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
Get the url to the specified path.
toUrls() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
toXml() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomDocument
Returns an XML String representation of this document.
trustUrl() - Method in class
type - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkIvyPublication.JkIvyPublishedArtifact


uncapitalize(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns the specified string but lower-casing its first character.
unchecked(JkUtilsThrowable.ThrowingConsumer<T, E>) - Static method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsThrowable.ThrowingConsumer
unchecked(Exception) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsThrowable
Returns the specified exception itself if it is an unchecked exception (extending RuntimeException).
unchecked(Throwable, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsThrowable
Same as JkUtilsThrowable.unchecked(Exception) but specifying an error message.
uninstall() - Method in class
unordered() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.function.JkStreamDecorator
UNSPECIFIED - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
Mention that the version is unspecified
UNSPECIFIED_JEKA_VERSION - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.scaffold.JkScaffold
unzip(Path, Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsZip
unzipUrl(String, String, Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsZip
Unzips the contents of a URL to a specified target path.
update() - Method in class
updateLocalScripts() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.setup.SetupKBean
updateSnapshot(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenMetadata
url - Variable in class
URL_CACHE_DIR - Static variable in class
useMetadataRepo - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.nativ.NativeKBean
USER_M2_DIR - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkMvn
Path to the local Maven repository dir containing user configuration and local repo.
useRuntimeDepsForClasspath - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean.JkRunOptions
useVarPath - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.ide.EclipseKBean
Flag to set whether 'all' task should use absolute paths instead of classpath variables


V11 - Static variable in class
Stands for Java Version 11
V17 - Static variable in class
Stands for Java Version 17
V21 - Static variable in class
Stands for Java Version 21
V8 - Static variable in class
Stands for Java version 8
value() - Method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi.Attribute
value() - Method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi.Color
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate.ConflictStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolutionParameters.JkConflictResolver
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler.Target
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable.Adapted
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout.Concern
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout.Style
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject.RuntimeDeps
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging.JarType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold.Kind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi.Attribute
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi.Color
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.Style
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.Verbosity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor.JkProgressStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkTestIdentifier.JkType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild.AddUserStatement
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild.NonRootMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild.PopularBaseImage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerNativeBuild.PopularBaseImage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Scope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation.StaticLink
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor.Arch
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.JkBaseScaffold.Kind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean.PredefinedRepo
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOfEnum(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsObject
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate.ConflictStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolutionParameters.JkConflictResolver
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinCompiler.Target
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkBuildable.Adapted
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout.Concern
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkCompileLayout.Style
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject.RuntimeDeps
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProjectPackaging.JarType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.project.scaffold.JkProjectScaffold.Kind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi.Attribute
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkAnsi.Color
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.Style
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog.Verbosity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestProcessor.JkProgressStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.testing.JkTestResult.JkTestIdentifier.JkType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild.AddUserStatement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerBuild.NonRootMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerJvmBuild.PopularBaseImage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.docker.JkDockerNativeBuild.PopularBaseImage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.intellij.JkIml.Scope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.nativ.JkNativeCompilation.StaticLink
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor.Arch
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsSystem.Processor.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.base.JkBaseScaffold.Kind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean.PredefinedRepo
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verbose(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
VERBOSE_ARG - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.maven.JkMvn
verboseEndTask() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
verboseStartTask(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
Logs the start of the current task.
verbosity() - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
verify(Path, Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkGpgVerifier
Verifies the specified file against the specified signature.
verify(Path, Path, Path) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.crypto.gpg.JkInternalGpgDoer
version(JkDependency) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
version - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean
version() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.git.GitKBean
Gets the current version either from commit message if specified nor from git tag.
VERSION_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersion
VERSION_NAMING_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.git.JkGit.Tag
Compares JkGit.Tag objects by their version names.
versionProvider(String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.kotlin.JkKotlinModules
VOID - Static variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactLocator
Null-Case instance for JkArtifactLocator


waitFor() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcHandler
waitFor(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProcHandler
walk(Path, FileVisitOption...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
walk(Path, int, FileVisitOption...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
walkFileTree(Path, FileVisitor<Path>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
warn(String, Object...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkLog
watch(long, AtomicBoolean, Consumer<List<JkAbstractPathTree.FileChange>>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Watches file and directory changes involved in this path tree.
watch(long, AtomicBoolean, Runnable) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Same as, AtomicBoolean, Consumer) but just triggering a consumer on file changes.
watch(long, Runnable) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
watch(long, AtomicBoolean, Consumer<List<JkAbstractPathTree.FileChange>>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Same as, AtomicBoolean, Consumer) but acting on this full path tree set.
watch(long, AtomicBoolean, Runnable) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Same as, AtomicBoolean, Consumer) but just triggering a consumer on file changes.
watch(long, Runnable) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Same as, AtomicBoolean, Runnable) but running indefinitely.
withClassierAndType(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencyExclusion
withClassifier(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
withClassifier(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencyExclusion
withClassifierAndType(String, String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
Returns a JkModuleDependency identical to this one but with the specified classifiers and type as the only JkCoordinate.JkArtifactSpecification for this dependency
withClassifiers(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
withCoordinateDependenciesOnly() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Filters and Returns a new JkQualifiedDependencySet containing only the JkQualifiedDependencies whose underlying JkDependency is an instance of JkCoordinateDependency.
withDefaultSigner(JkFileSigner) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkRepoSet
withExtraFiles(JkPathTreeSet) - Method in class
withFallback(JkProperties) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.system.JkProperties
Returns a JkProperties instance from this one plus the specified fallback.
withGlobalExclusions(List<JkDependencyExclusion>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
withGlobalExclusions(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
withGlobalExclusions(Set<JkDependencyExclusion>) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
These exclusions only stands for dependencies that are retrieved transitively.
withGlobalTransitivityReplacement(JkTransitivity, JkTransitivity) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
withIdeProjectDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkComputedDependency
withIdeProjectDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
withIdeProjectDir(Path) - Method in interface dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependency
Returns a dependency identical to this one but with the specified project base dir.
withIdeProjectDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
withIdeProjectDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkFileSystemDependency
withIdeProjectDir(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkLocalProjectDependency
withLeftMargin(String, String) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Returns a string with a left margin added to each line.
withLocalExclusions(JkDependencyExclusion...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Returns a clone of this dependencySet but adding dependency exclusion on the last element.
withLocalExclusions(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
withLocalExclusionsOn(String, String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Add transitive dependency exclusions on the specified module.
withManifest(JkManifest) - Method in class
withMatcher(JkPathMatcher) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Creates a JkAbstractPathTree which is a copy of this JkAbstractPathTree but the matcher is replaced with the specified one.
withMatcher(PathMatcher) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Creates a JkPathTree which is a copy of this JkPathTreeSet replacing matcher by the specified one.
withMerging(JkResolvedDependencyNode) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.resolution.JkResolvedDependencyNode
Returns a merge of this dependency node with the specified one.
withModuleDependenciesOnly() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Returns all dependencies declared as JkCoordinateDependency.
withMoving(String, JkDependencySet.Hint) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
withoutDuplicate() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
withoutDuplicates() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
Returns a JkPathSequence identical to this one but without duplicates.
withoutExportedDependencies() - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkLocalProjectDependency
withQualifier(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependency
withQualifiersOnly(String...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Filters and returns a new JkQualifiedDependencySet containing only the JkQualifiedDependencies that have the specified qualifiers.
withResolvedBoms(JkRepoSet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Returns a clone of this object but using this version provider with bom resolved.
withResolvedBoms(JkRepoSet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
Replace the version provider of this object
withResolvedBoms(JkRepoSet) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkVersionProvider
Returns an equivalent version provider of this one but resolving its boms into internal version map.
withRoot(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
withRoot(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTree
withRoot(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkZipTree
withRootInsideZip(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath.JkZipRoot
withTransitivity(JkTransitivity) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
Returns a JkCoordinateDependency identical to this one but with the specified 'transitive' property.
withTransitivity(String, JkTransitivity) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
withTransitivity(JkTransitivity) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkLocalProjectDependency
withType(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencyExclusion
withVersion(JkVersion) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
Returns a JkModuleDependency identical to this one but with the specified static version.
withVersion(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinate
withVersion(JkVersion) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkCoordinateDependency
withVersionProvider(JkVersionProvider) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkDependencySet
Returns a clone of this object but using specified version provider to override versions of transitive dependencies.
withVersionProvider(JkVersionProvider) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkQualifiedDependencySet
These exclusions only stands for dependencies that are retrieved transitively.
wrapStringCharacterWise(String, int) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsString
Wraps the given string character-wise to fit within the specified width.
write(byte[], OpenOption...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Shorthand for Files.write(Path, byte[], OpenOption...)
write(String, OpenOption...) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathFile
Writes the specified UTF-8 encoded String to this file.
write(OutputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIO
write(Path, byte[], OpenOption...) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
writeEntries(JarFile) - Method in class
Write all entries from the specified jar file.
writeEntries(Path, PathMatcher) - Method in class
Write entries from the specific directories and matching the specified matcher.
writeEntry(String, InputStream) - Method in class
Writes an entry.
writeManifest(Manifest) - Method in class
Write the specified manifest.
writeStringsTo(Path, String, List<String>) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsIterable
writeTo(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathSequence
Writes the contents of this JkPathSequence to the specified file path.
writeTo(Path) - Method in class
writeTo(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.tooling.eclipse.JkEclipseProjectGenerator
writeToStandardLocation(Path) - Method in class
Writes this manifest at the standard place (META-INF/MANIFEST.MF) of the specified directory.


xPath(XPathExpression) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Returns an unmodifiable list of elements matching the specified xPath expression.
xPath(String) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
Returns an unmodifiable list of elements matching the specified xPath expression.


zipRoot(Path) - Static method in class dev.jeka.core.api.utils.JkUtilsPath
zipTo(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkAbstractPathTree
Zips the content of this tree to the specified destination file.
zipTo(Path) - Method in class dev.jeka.core.api.file.JkPathTreeSet
Zips the content of all trees involved in this set.


__ - Variable in class dev.jeka.core.api.marshalling.xml.JkDomElement
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z _