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Building Projects

Here, We use JeKa script and kbean capabilities to build a Java project.

Scaffold new project

Execute: jeka project: scaffold to create a typical project structure, from where you can directly start coding.

Execute: jeka intellij: iml to sync the project with Intellij.

If the project seems not being reflected in IntelliJ, go to the Intellij project root dir, then execute jeka intellij: initProject.


A file is generated at the root of the project, mentioning the usual commands to run.

Configure project with properties

We can configure basic aspects of a project using properties configuration only.

Add dependencies

Add org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter:5.8.1 to the == TEST == section in dependencies.txt, then execute jeka intelllij: iml

If you want to add a compile-only dependency, add it to the == COMPILE == section then explicitly substract it from the == RUNTIME == section using - symbol.



-org.projectlombok:lombok  # indicate to not include lombok in runtime classpath.

== TEST == 

Configure jar type

By default, JeKa produce regular jar files. Nevertheless it can be configured to produce fat jar (jar including all dependencies), or shade jar (same with relocated packages to avoid classpath collision).

Edit and add :

This configure project to create a single jar which is a fat jar. This is perfectly fine for bundling applications.

If you bundle a library, you may prefer to create an additional shade jar, that embeds dependency jars gracefully.

For this, edit and add :

# Create an extra jar suffixed with 'all-deps*

# Instruct Maven plugin to publish it as well.

Configure Layout

By default, project structure adopt Maven one, meaning sources in src/main/java ans so on.

You can modify it by adding the following properties in

# sources in src dir and tests in test dir

# sources and resources sharing the same dir


List available options by executing: jeka project: --help.

Use common plugins

Handle versioning with git

You can use Git to automatically handle versioning for your project. The version will value [TAG] if the workspace is currently on a tag, or [BRANCH]-SNAPSHOT if it is not.

The Manifest file will also be augmented with Git info (commit, dirty, branch, ...)


Perform static analysis using Sonarqube and Jacoco

We need to import the Sonarqube and Jacoco project. We also set a shorthand for easy invoking.

We can also select the exact version for each tool.

SonarQube can be configured directly using native configuration settings present in the file. Properties related to the SonarQube project/version are automatically picked up from the project information.

jeka.inject.classpath=dev.jeka:sonarqube-plugin dev.jeka:jacoco-plugin

jeka.cmd.pack_quality=project: pack jacoco: sonarqube: run logOutput=true

Execute build actions

This is a list of common commands used when building projects. This commands may be combined and use in conjunction on --clean (-c) option for cleaning the output dir prior running.

Generates source code

jeka project: generateSources

Compile sources

jeka project: compile --clean

Compile (if needed) and execute tests

jeka project: test

Compile and test (if needed) and create artifacts as jars.

jeka project: pack

Same, but skipping the test execution

jeka poject: pack -Djeka.skip.tests=true

Display project info on console

jeka project: info

Display the tree of transitive dependencies

jeka project: depTree

Execute the main method from compiled classes

jeka project: runMain programArgs="myArg1 myArg2"

Execute the main method from the packed jar.

jeka project: runJar programArgs="myArg1 myArg2"

Docker commands

Create an executable Docker file

jeka docker: build

Run the executable Docker file

jeka docker: run programArgs

Maven publish commands

Publish on Maven repository

jeka maven: publish 

Publish on local Maven repository

jeka maven: publishLocal

Configure programmatically

Project can also be configured programmatically. This is often needed when we want to include extra build actions or adopt distinct behaviors on specific conditions.

When we have scaffolded the project, a class was created on purpose for customizing the project.

class Build extends KBean {

    final JkProject project = load(ProjectKBean.class).project;

     * Configures KBean project
     * When this method is called, option fields have already been injected from command line.
    protected void init() {
        // configure project instance here


The init()is the designed place for configuring the JkProject instance.

The JkProject class models all what is needed to build a JVM project. This is a huge object model that contains both configuration and methods that actually 'build'.

The API is too large and deep to be detailed here, we can just mention some useful links :

JkProject.flatFacade() propose a simplified access to the API for most frequent cases.

Example with Flat Facade

class Build extends KBean {

    boolean runIntegrationTests;

    final JkProject project = load(ProjectKBean.class).project;

    protected void init() {
                   // change dependency ordering : guava must be before commons-lang
                .customizeRuntimeDeps(deps -> deps    
                        .withMoving("", before("commons-lang:commons-lang")))
                   // Set how tests execution are displayed on console
                   // Run test ending with 'IT' only on a specific condition
                .addTestIncludeFilterSuffixedBy("IT", runIntegrationTests);


Example with JkProject

import dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.JkTransitivity;
import dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.artifact.JkArtifactId;
import dev.jeka.core.api.depmanagement.publication.JkMavenPublication;
import dev.jeka.core.api.project.JkProject;
import dev.jeka.core.tool.KBean;
import dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.project.ProjectKBean;
import dev.jeka.core.tool.builtins.tooling.maven.MavenKBean;

class Build extends KBean {

    final JkProject project = load(ProjectKBean.class).project;

    final JkMavenPublication mavenPublication = load(MavenKBean.class).getMavenPublication();

    protected void init() {

        // Add extra actions
        project.compilation.preCompileActions.append("Resources generation", this::generateSomeResources);
        project.packActions.append("Create bin distrib", this::createBinDistrib);

        // Customize Maven publication
          // -- customize published transitive dependencies
        mavenPublication.customizeDependencies(dep -> dep
                .withTransitivity("", JkTransitivity.COMPILE)
          // -- add a new artifact file to publish, along the method to create it
        mavenPublication.putArtifact(JkArtifactId.of("fat", "jar"), project.packaging::createFatJar);
          // -- describe the POM metadata
                .addGithubDeveloper("John Doe", "")

    private void generateSomeResources() {
        // .. do something

    private void createBinDistrib() {
        // .. do something
