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App KBean

Provides a way to install, update, or remove applications from the user PATH.

Applications are installed from a Git repository and built by the client before installation. Applications can be installed as executable JARs or native apps.


Trusted URL prefixes are stored in the jeka.apps.url.trusted property, located in the ~/.jeka/ file.
You can adjust this property later to make it more or less restrictive.
The check validates the start of the Git URL after removing the protocol and identifier part.

Example: will trust urls formed as:

  • ...

Provides a way to install, update, or remove applications from the user PATH.

Applications are installed from a Git repository and built by the client before installation. Applications can be installed as executable JARs or native apps.

This KBean exposes the following fields:

Field Description
repo [String] Git Remote repository URL of the app to install.
name [String] Specifies the name of the app to update/uninstall.
url [String] Specifies the url to trust.

This KBean exposes the following methods:

Method Description
examples Displays some examples on the console that you can play with.
install Builds and installs the app to make it available in PATH.
Use repo=[Git URL] to set the source repository.
Use native: argument to install as a native app.
list Lists installed Jeka commands in the user's PATH.
trustUrl Adds permanently the url to the trusted list.
The urls starting with the specified prefix will be automatically trusted.
Use '' to specify the prefix.
uninstall Uninstalls an app from the user's PATH.
Use name=[app-name] to specify the app.
update Updates an app from the given PATH.
Use name=[app-name] to specify the app.